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The ability to be physically active and interact socially with other people is beneficial for optimum physical and mental wellbeing. Naturally humans are social creatures so thrive on human interaction and team activities. Being able to participate in team sports was something that was hampered during lockdown measures, so ensuring you can make the most of team sport activities as soon as possible will provide you with the necessary boost that you need again in your life. 


The Health Benefits 


Playing sports is not only enjoyable but can also provide a plethora of beneficial health properties along with it too which can help in all aspects of your life. 


Improving Physical Health 


Taking part in any physical activity is certainly beneficial to maintaining a good healthy weight. Keeping in control of your weight will provide less strain on your heart and can help keep problems such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke at bay. The American Heart Association suggests that at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week is sufficient to add to your exercise regime to reap the benefits. Being physically active can also prove beneficial to getting a good night’s sleep and maintaining a healthy sexlife which are also positive attributes. 


Alleviating Low Mood and Depression 


Any form of exercise can certainly be beneficial to your mental health by improving low mood. With the rates of male suicide at an alarmingly high rate in the US, finding small ways to improve low mood is certainly important. In 2020 the rates of male suicide were 3.6 times higher than in cases amongst women.

Exercising can help alleviate your mood by releasing endorphins in your brain that are responsible for making you feel happy and positive. It can also help boost neural growth, and encourage new activity in the brain which allows you to feel more calm.

A study conducted by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health identified that feelings of depression could be reduced by a staggering 26% when the participant took part in a 15 minute run or walked for an hour. So not only would you benefit physically by exercising but you would also be improving your mental health considerably. 


Helps Combat Stress

When you are feeling overstressed you can find it difficult to concentrate on everyday activities, and might struggle to make rational decisions. Physical activity like exercise or sports is a good way to release any stress or tension that you are feeling and focuses your mind on something else. 

When you are participating in a team sport you will be so focused on what you need to do along with your teammates that you won’t have time to focus on anything negative at that particular moment and will help boost your self confidence.  

There is also the added benefit of boosting your critical and problem solving skills which enable you to undertake everyday tasks. Keeping your brain active is important for combatting neurological illnesses such as Alzheimer or Dementia later on in life. 


Keeping Your Testosterone Levels Up

Maintaining steady levels of testosterone is important for men’s health to lead a fulfilling sex life, ensure the reproductive system works efficiently and can play a pivotal role on muscle mass and bone density. Engaging in sporting activities can help maintain your testosterone levels to optimum levels. 

As a result this will help you in team situations whereby increased levels of testosterone have been shown to have a positive impact on team motivation. A study in the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance concluded that there was a higher success rate in team members that were exposed to higher levels of testosterone, compared to those that were not. 


Improves Your Time Management

If you are not known for your ability to stick to punctual deadlines, being part of a team can help improve your time management skills. There will be sessions to attend and games to play which you will be needed for, so it is an opportunity to brush up on this necessary skill too in life. Time management can also have a positive effect on your ability to resolve problems, improves your self discipline and promotes a productive attitude. It also helps you make more decisive decisions under time constraint which is also beneficial in dealing with issues under pressure. 


man in gym clothes squatting - man in running clothes - man wearing grey joggers - grey sweat pants - black hoodie - black Nike sneakers - man running


Team Camaraderie 


Playing team sports enables you to connect with like minded people doing an activity that you all enjoy. You are able to acquire new friendships and consolidate old ones with your shared experience in team sports events. It also encourages a sense of teamwork and camaraderie during matches which is good for boosting trust and friendships within a group setting. This enables you all to work better as a team both in the sport but also in other areas of your life such as in the workplace. The ability to communicate effectively can also be improved within a team sporting setting which would also be beneficial outside of this environment. 


Enables You To Try New Exciting Sports


You might think that if you want to participate in a team sport that it has to be soccer or baseball, but there are certainly more unique team sports available to be played which you can participate in instead. All you need to do is look them up. You might even find that you enjoy acquiring this new skill in the process as well as making new friends. This allows you to be more adventurous too which encourages you to try new activities outside of your comfort zone. 


The Ability To See New Places 


If you end up playing at a more professional level then you might get the opportunity to visit one of the best NFL stadiums in the country. This would certainly be an exciting prospect, when you have only ever seen these renowned locations on television prior to this. The ability to travel around and see new places enables you to expand your lifetime achievements and tick something else off your list of accomplishments in life. It also enables you to visit new cities that you have not travelled to before which is certainly exciting.


Being Able To Follow Your Dream or Passion in Life


Participating in a team sport may have always been a lifelong ambition or it could be something you thought of following when the opportunity was appropriate. By finally realizing your dream, it enables you to truly feel happy and determined about pursuing a passion in your life that you truly enjoy. It also provides you with a sense of accomplishment which is certainly good for boosting your self esteem and self worth. So if you haven’t yet tried out a new activity or joined a sports club yet to improve your fitness levels and make some new friends, then now is your opportunity to do so. You will feel so much better for it in the long run. 


Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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