If you are someone that finds it hard to get into a fitness routine, then you may get frustrated with yourself.


Often, there is no good reason to not form a fitness habit that you can stick too. But there are so many reasons why we fall off the horse and don’t get back up again when it comes to these routines. 


It is probably not for a lack of willing that you give up. Sometimes, we try to make too big a change to our routine all at once. This can be tough for us to deal with and our minds and bodies will want none of it. We quickly retreat after just one or two sessions and we end up slipping into old habits. 


Here are some ways that you might be able to get a fitness routine that you can stick to. 


Take Up A Martial Art


Taking up a martial art such as brazilian jiu jitsu striking is a great way to get fit. Because it is a varied discipline that requires you to fully engage with your body and mind, it might be something that you will find gives you more of a release than just spending time on the treadmill in the gym where you can zone out. Having the feeling that you are developing a new skill and pushing your body in very different ways can really help you. 


The added bonus is that you would often do this type of thing in a class, so you will be more likely to meet new people and make friends with others in the group. This will help you to keep coming back. 


Don’t Work Out Alone


If you have been heading to the gym on your own and not really getting that motivated, it may be because you are isolating yourself while you are working out. If you go with a friend, you will be able to chat and connect while you both exercise together. 


Having a gym buddy will help you as you can spur each other on. Having company will mean that you don’t notice the amount of exercise that you are doing, as you will probably be focused on your friend. 


Mix Things Up 


Variety is the spice of life. So, if you want a routine that you will stick to, mix it up. Cycle one day, swim the next. Go for a run one morning, and pop to a fitness class or the gym one evening. 


If you mix up your routine a bit it will keep things fresh. You will get to work on a different set of muscles or help with a different type of fitness by doing different types of exercise. 


Small Changes Add Up 


Remember that you won’t see amazing results straight away. In fact, you will never see a vast and sudden change. But several months from now, your fitness levels will have dramatically improved. But they will have done so incrementally. Don’t get demotivated when you don’t notice the changes, they will occur so gradually they will be hard to spot.