

using the HP Spectre

In part two of my series of using the HP Spectre in my everyday life, I examine how it plays a part in the creative process.

using the HP SpectreIf you surround yourself with the same ideas, you will only think of the same ideas.

I believe you are inspired by your surroundings. I love being at home, but sometimes, it doesn’t get the juices flowing. That is why I like working out of office, whether it be at a park or coffee shop. A change in venue gets my creativity going. If you surround yourself with the same ideas, you will only think of the same ideas. People watching is also a major inspiration for me. Being from New York City, I get to see all walks of life. I like to imagine what everyone’s story is and then mix that into my work. If I see a new piece of fashion? Time for a new post or time to cop it myself!

using the HP SpectreWhere to go?

When working from place to place, how light your baggage is becomes key. I’m glad the HP Spectre weighs like nothing and allows me to carry more without sacrificing comfort. Blogging happens everywhere. I could be at a show and I can take out my HP Spectre as soon as it’s over to make a post, with one hand if I needed to. It’s the ability to create wherever I want that makes this an important tool. I recall limiting where I would go simply because my previous laptop was too big and heavy. I can go anywhere now.

using the HP SpectreCurrent Tools

HP Spectre
Laptop sleeve
Notebook and pen
DSLR Camera
AC adaptor
USB-C to USB dongle
USB cable

using the HP SpectreHow simple is that? Make content on phone or DSLR, edit on phone or laptop, send to laptop to post on blog. That’s how I made this post! Stay tuned for part 3 of my collaboration with HP. Check out my initial reactions with the HP Spectre here. Have any questions? Let me know in the comments below!

HP Spectre

Thanks for reading, y’all stay dandy. 😎 Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram!

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