Man smiling while having coffee and looking at his phone - dandy in the bronx

Think about everything you’ve learned during your time visiting our page, or your time delving into your fashionable interests. You may have learned many things, such as what kinds of suit are suitable (no pun intended) for your frame, or how to dress for the seasons, or how to give a warm and secure handshake, or in how to be more personable with those you meet up front.

The stylish and confident man takes what he knows and applies his best intentions to each situation, even learning from encounters that he has experienced, in similar ways, before now. However, it’s also important to see how, for all the lofty goals of the stylish man, sometimes the most important measures he can take are practical, such as taking care of his own belongings.

Simple skills, talents, and the willingness to observe can often come together and help the stylish man become more than the stylish man, but a practical and confident man. After all, style with no substance to back it up is often worthless, and that’s a principle we regularly view as important.

With that being said, let us consider how this may translate into your own life:


A sense of ownership and the understanding that your belongings speak volumes about you can help you start to take real care over your goods. Even if you can afford ten more, you should take care of an item like your jacket, because it shows your willingness to respect your possessions and never act in an irresponsible manner. The best-invested insurance can also help you adequately replace items that are lost due to damage or accidents, because while you strive for the best, being prepared for the worst is also important.


A few skills are needed in order to provide real care over your belongings. For example, learning how to shine your shoes is a skill that anyone should know, as well as how to sew simple repairs when your garments are subject to tears or holes. Simply knowing when a suit should be taken to the dry cleaners can be a skill in itself, or even knowing how to talk to a watch repair specialist about having the links fitted to your wrist can be an important skill. When you focus on these measures by researching online and putting this information to practice, you become a little more refined.


Professional repair services can be important. It’s one thing to think you have the lay of the land in regards to car maintenance, but heading to Mercedes Benz repair service is necessary for such a complex model and an item of such value. It takes a strong person to admit he needs a professional service, but you will likely note that this process is worth every single penny you lay down.


With this advice, we hope you can care for your belongings as the stylish man should.