The Lockdown Trends That Will Survive COVID-19

The lockdown hasn’t done some men any favors. To look at them, you’d think you were looking at a young Jeff Bridges in the Big Lebowski.



Unfortunately, the long, greasy hair and bushy beard combo don’t make you The Dude – it makes you scruffy!


Plenty of fellas have dreamt about the day when the quarantine is finally over so that life can go back to normal. There’s no doubt that it’ll be a cool day full of overdressing and debonair trends. However, to act as if being on house arrest for the past four months hasn’t resulted in anything is ridiculous.


Not only have new fashions been crafted, but these will stay long after the Coronavirus is gone.




After a while, lots of men got sick and tired of walking around the house in sweatpants and a baggy tee-shirt. The novelty was fresh at first, but it soon lost its appeal. Thankfully, some guys started to overreact, and it manifested itself in men donning their favorite suits just to feel a sense of pride. Now, men around the world are beginning to understand the potency of a power suit, and how wearing it casually works wonders.





Isn’t it meaningless? Let’s face it – you pay top dollar for clothes you love and don’t wear them. You only drag them out of the closet or take them off a hanger if there is a ‘special’ event to attend. That was back when occasions were special. Currently, they don’t exist because they’ve all been banned. Therefore, fewer guys are saving stuff for best and wearing it when they want, whether it’s to sit in the garden and enjoy the sun or to hit the supermarket. You should consider it, too, rather than denying yourself the pleasure of wearing them regularly.

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Sure, it’s been in for a while, but this lockdown period has cemented the humble beard as the fashion accessory of the 21st-century. Regardless of whether you rock the Tony Stark beard style or prefer something bushier, you can’t deny that facial hair elevates an outfit. Even guys with patchy beards are embracing their holy facial hairlines and rocking it without a second thought. If you are trimming yours on the regular, it’s time to stop. Let it grow out now and in the future, and you’ll be more fulfilled!

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Finally, the COVID-19 health crisis has given men the freedom to attempt new things behind closed doors. This is partly because nobody will see it, yet it’s also because life seems too short to worry about whether socks and sandals match. They do, they don’t – who cares?! Whether you’re trying to grow a mustache or you enjoy a polo shirt with a face mask and flip-flops, being trendy is about pushing the boundaries. Sometimes, the results won’t be what you imagined, yet that shouldn’t prevent you from experimenting.


What are the lockdown fashions that you’ll continue to pursue?

Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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