The Essential Accessories Every Car Driver Needs - dandy in the bronx

Whether you’re someone that drives long distances or simply commutes to work and back each day, it is always a good idea to keep your car equipped with everything you need to make your life easier, and your journey runs smoothly.

There’s nothing worse than being stuck at the roadside without everything you need to keep you on the move, so it’s reassuring to know that your car equipped for every eventuality.

Here’s a checklist of items that will not only make your car more organized but will also be useful if you find yourself in an unexpected situation too:

In Case You Get Lost

Planning a long journey? If you’re heading off on a road trip, the chances are that you will travel on unfamiliar roads to reach your destination. If you are feeling unsure about where you are going, it is a good idea to be prepared just in case you find yourself lost. A sat-nav is always a good idea, and if you haven’t got one already installed in your car, you may want to consider buying one or borrowing one from a friend in preparation for your journey. As fantastic as technology is, it’s also a great idea to go old school too, and bring a map as a backup just in case your sat nav fails you.

Dublin Airport - Ireland - The Essential Accessories Every Car Driver Needs - dandy in the bronx

In Case of Emergency

Your in case of emergency items are ones that you will hopefully never need to use but are essential to keep with you just in case. Jumper cables are useful to have with you in case you break down, along with a flashlight in case it gets dark, and you are unable to see what you are doing. It’s also a good idea to keep a pen and notebook in your glove compartment so that you can take down details if you are involved in a collision, you can then pass these on to your Car Accident Lawyer, the police, and your insurance company.

Carrying bottled water and a blanket is also a great idea just in case you break down somewhere more isolated, where help will take a long time to come. Keeping a small first aid kit with you is also useful, again, just in case. To help you stay connected a portable phone charger is also something that you don’t want to forget and then kick yourself for when you need it.

Be Ready for the Weather

Extremes of temperature can play havoc with your journey, so having the right kit to hand is so important, both for your safety and your comfort.

There’s nothing worse than a scorching hot steering wheel and seats on a summer’s day, so to keep things cool inside your vehicle, then a windshield shade is a useful accessory to stay with you in the car. Of course, winter brings with it a whole new set of problems, so make sure you have an ice scraper with you and some gloves, so your hands don’t freeze.