
How To Match Your Partner’s Style 

In any relationship, finding things you have in common is crucial – it’s how you can keep your relationship happy and fresh for many years to come.

Although it can sometimes be hard to work out what you want to work on together, something that could be ideal is fashion and clothing – after all, everyone has to wear clothes, so why not think about what you’re wearing together? With that in mind, here are some ways to match your partner’s style if that’s what you want to do. 

Talk To Them

If you want to try to match your partner’s fashion style more (although not specifically match their clothing – it’s always best to have your own thoughts on what you’re going to wear), one of the best things you can do is actually ask them about it. In this way, you’ll get plenty of information about what they like to wear and maybe even why. 

Find out about the things they look for when they buy new clothes, or the designers they get excited about. The more you know, the more you can take these ideas to heart when you’re finding your own clothes. As we said, you don’t have to match with them exactly, but you can use those ideas you talked to them about to find things that will complement their style. 

Shop Together 

Another great way to match your partner’s style is to go shopping together. It’s true that shopping for clothes isn’t everyone’s favorite pastime, but if you made it fun – or even made it into a date – you’ll be surprised at what a good time you could have while learning about your partner’s style and buying new things as a couple that work well together. 

If you don’t want to go out to the shops to buy something new, don’t forget you can shop online. Get some snacks and drinks, put some music on, and each has a laptop and tablet. When your partner finds the ideal boho clothing by Johnny Was, you can find something that goes with it, and vice versa. This can be an enjoyable way to spend a few hours and ensure you get clothing in the same style at the same time. 

Coordinate Colors And Patterns

One really simple way to match your partner’s style is to coordinate colors and patterns. In this way, you can stick to your own style (unless you’re specifically looking to change it, of course), and yet you can still look like a matching pair because you’ll have at least the same color in common. 

Being different yet the same in this way means everyone is comfortable and happy with their choices, but you won’t clash or look strange when you’re out together because your clothing styles are so at odds or you haven’t thought things through in advance. 

Look For Inspiration 

Maybe you feel it’s time to change your style but you’re not sure what to do. If your partner feels the same, why not work togehter to find a style you can both enjoy? If you browse through websites and magazines, you’ll soon start to pick up on the trends that are currently around, and you can see if you both like the same things. 

If you do, that’s the issue dealt with, but if you don’t, you can think about other ways to match even when your styles are different, such as the color idea we mentioned above.