

How To Look Stylish While Riding Your Motorcycle

It may sound like an impossible thing to do, but looking stylish and still staying safe and comfortable while riding your motorcycle is certainly possible.

It might take some thinking about, but once you’ve found your style and you know it works for you, you won’t have to worry about it again, and you’ll know just how great you look when you get out on the open road. 

Here are some great tips to help you get started searching for the perfect stylish look for riding your motorcycle; it needs to be safe, cool, and totally on-trend. 

Make Your Helmet Unique 

There’s no getting away from the fact that you are going to have to wear a helmet when you’re riding your motorcycle; it’s the law, and it could save your life. Don’t worry though; your look isn’t going to be ruined by topping it with a boring old helmet. Instead, there are dozens of different options you can look into that will compliment your style and not detract from it. 


Take the time to search for some unique motorcycle helmets, and you’ll soon see something that appeals. In fact, why not base your whole look around it, since it’s such an integral part of riding your bike? Remember to check you’ve got space to add your helmet cam if you wear one, just in case something goes wrong – skilled motorcycle accident attorneys will want to look at the footage. Plus the helmet needs to fit perfectly, otherwise it might not do its job correctly. 

Wear A Timeless Leather Jacket 

If you buy right, you’ll only ever have to purchase one leather jacket, so buy the best you can, and it will last you for many years to come. With a great looking, timeless leather jacket, it won’t even matter what you have on underneath; the jacket is all anyone will see, and it will look cool and classic as you zip along on your motorcycle. 

There are leather jackets out there that will suit all personalities, in a range of different colors, and sizes. Whether you want something that makes you look like James Dean, you feel that tassels would be a good look, or you’re more into Arnie’s motorcycle chic from The Terminator, you can have it. 


Pair your jacket with anything in your wardrobe, and you’ll look great as it’s the kind of garment that works with everything. 

Plus, it’s a great safety measure. If you were to fall from your bike, the thick leather would cushion the impact somewhat, and would at least minimize some truly horrific injuries. 

Wear Layers 

The weather is always unpredictable, and even on the sunniest of days rain can be just around the corner. Or, if you’re riding for a long time, night could fall and when the sun disappears, it can get very chilly. 

Wearing layers means you’ll have clothing that works for all weathers and all temperatures. It wouldn’t be an excellent look to sit on your motorcycle shivering, and neither would it look too great if you’re sweating a lot. Layers mean you can be comfortable and stylish no matter what else is happening. 


Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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