3 Reasons Motorcycle Accidents Are More Dangerous Than Car Accidents

Auto accidents happen every single day, yet some are more serious than others. A lot of car accidents contain minor scrapes or bumps that leave nobody seriously injured. At the same time, motorcycle accidents happen just as frequently, but with more severity. 


It’s not a competition, but motorcycle accidents are far more dangerous than car accidents. Whether it involves two motorcyclists, a motorcycle and a car, or even a motorcycle and a pedestrian, these instances will always be more worrying. 


Why? Three main reasons spring to mind, so let’s take a look at them: 

Motorcycles have less protection

A car driver is surrounded by a chassis and other materials that protect them from crashes. It’s why a slight bump into the side of a car doesn’t cause a lot of damage or harm. These vehicles are designed to protect passengers as well as possible – but the same can’t be said of motorbikes. 


A motorbike has no protection. It’s lighter than a car, the rider is not encased in anything, and even the slightest bump can send them flying off onto the road. Talk to any motorcycle accident attorney and they’ll explain that motorcyclists get more injuries – and are more severely injured – than car drivers because there’s no protection. 


Motorcycles are faster

The natural speed of motorcycles means they’re at risk of severe accidents. When someone is traveling at high speeds, they increase the chances of getting a serious or fatal injury when in an accident. 


It’s common sense – the faster the vehicle, the more force at which it hits something. In incidents involving pedestrians, it means people will get hit by something that’s moving way faster than any cars around. So, while a motorcycle may be smaller and lighter, it could cause more damage to pedestrians. 


Likewise, when riding a motorcycle, if you hit a car or an object at speed, there’s a huge chance you’ll come off the bike and make multiple heavy impacts on the road. 

Motorcycles are smaller

This somewhat contributes to the lack of protection – and it also does make motorcycles faster. However, the main problem with a motorcycle’s size is that it’s harder to see. 


If a car is moving quickly, you still see it pretty easily. When a car is slowly moving around town, it’s impossible to miss. A motorcycle, however, is not so easy to spot. The smallness means they can be obscured by normal objects – like a lamppost or a pedestrian on the sidewalk. It makes motorcycle accidents more dangerous as there’s less time for people to react. A lot of car accidents aren’t as bad as they could be because drivers see the other car and manage to slow down significantly before impact. You don’t always get this with motorbikes because they’re so hard to spot. Reaction times decrease, so the force of impact is often much harder. 


All auto accidents have the potential to be serious and worrying. Nevertheless, motorcycle accidents are the most concerning of all. If you take one thing from this post, be more aware of motorbikes when you’re driving. Or, if you own a motorcycle, understand the risks and ride more responsibly so you’re not going too fast or making it harder for people to see you. 

Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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