
Building A Body That Suits A Suit

If you’re trying to present yourself as a man of class, a man who cares about his appearance and how he is seen in the world, then at some point, you’re going to want to don a suit.

It might be that you would prefer to dress in a suit much more often, no matter the situation. However, there’s no denying that suits do suit certain physiques better than others. Here, we’re looking at what you can do to ensure that you look good when you do don a suit.

Know what to workout

The reality is that a healthy and athletic body is going to naturally look better in just about any outfit, suit included. While it’s important to exercise and eat right for the sake of your health alone, but focusing your efforts on a suit-wearing workout, you can make sure that you’re focusing on the parts that stand out more when you’re suited and booted. This includes working out not just to help burn the excess fat that stands out too easily in a tight shirt, but also to build muscle groups, such as the chest, shoulders, and arms, that are most accentuated by the shape and suit of your suit.

Creating a more masculine outline

Exercise and diet, especially when focused on building the right parts, can do a ton to help you improve your posture and profile. However, there are some men who have aspects of their bodies that can undermine the masculine image that they want to project. All men have breast tissue, but some men have a lot more, and it can grow with age to the point that it becomes noticeable and bad for self-esteem. With gynecomastia surgery, you can correct these undermining aspects of your physique, helping you feel much more confident in a suit. Given how closely these outfits conform to the physique, it can be very helpful to address the aspects that might undermine it.

Make sure the suit matches the body as well

While it is certainly true that a well-built and more masculine physique can certainly help you get a lot more out of a suit, don’t forget that the right choice of clothing does a lot of the heavy lifting, as well. In particular, if you’re buying suits off the rack, don’t be surprised when they don’t speak to the strengths of your body and help you emphasize your silhouette in the most flattering way. When possible, you should opt for a bespoke, tailor-made suit. This option is undoubtedly more costly, but when a suit is built specifically to your measurements, it will do a lot to enhance the shape of your physique. Partnered with the tips above, it can make a much better impression.

With the tips above, you can make sure that you have a body that looks much better in a suit, improving not just how you look when dressed for formal and business events, but helping to improve your self-confidence across the board.