

A GENTLEMAN KNOWS HOW TO BEHAVE THE DAY AFTER A PARTY - khaki pants - burgundy sneakers - whisky - newspaper - dandy in the bronx

We’ve all been to some ripping parties, where we have too much to drink, too much to eat and in the morning, we just feel bloated, groggy and lacking our gentlemanly qualities. But a gentleman knows how to take care of himself and bring himself back up to the standard he requires of himself.

The day after is always a challenge but it’s not impossible to return to full health in just a few hours. The trick is to be calm and go through the following practices in a collected, cool manner. Before you know it, you will arrive to work on time, look fresh and not garner disapproving looks from your boss or fellow commuters.




Okay, firstly, you must try to drink your body weight in water. Just kidding! But seriously, the first thing you should do is drink water. So many of us will hang our legs over the bedside, put our heads in our hands, and just try to gather ourselves. You’re wasting valuable time! Your body needs to quickly reset and it can be done by drinking water. The goal is to use the water as a flush. It will push out the toxins left behind by the excessive alcohol consumption and allow you to go to the bathroom a couple of times before you leave for work. This helps a lot as you’re not keeping any of that bad substance in your body longer than it needs to be.




The newest craze in the skincare industry is charcoal. This is a brilliant ingredient, because it wipes away all of your dead skin, removes the bacteria and stops spots from forming. When you have woken up with a hangover you will know that your skin looks puffy, yellow-ish and very sandy. This is because it has been trying to push out the toxins that alcohol produces when being processed by the liver. But, with a charcoal scrub, you use the coarse pieces of ash to smooth all of that away. This makes way for the new skin cells and for fresh blood to rise to the surface and put some color back into your cheeks.




You cannot drink water on it’s own, you need to eat something so that the water will be better absorbed by the body. When you have bad hangovers, you need to make a barrier between the booze and the body. Food is something that not only nourishes you, but quickly replaces the alcohol cells in your muscles, with nutrients and minerals. There’s even those wild hydration services. They will attach an IV drip to your body and it takes a couple hours to fully flush and rejuvenate your entire system. There’s still no concrete evidence that this works, but it’s out there.


These tips will save you a lot of embarrassment if you happen to go for a weekday booze party after work but you need to look like you are fresh, healthy and alert.

Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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