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There’s something overtly gentlemanly about knowing how to save money, to invest wisely, and to avoid the trap of living paycheck to paycheck. Despite this, there’s still this finest of lines between being money-savvy and not spending money on anything


The financially sensible are unlikely to see a problem with this. But, the rest might wonder if you’re not being a little too reserved with your spending. While it’s always respectable to save you cash and have a nice little rainy day fund, you can still justify some expenses and even some luxuries. 


Your Work Attire 


We’ve already discussed the essential elements of style, and these elements are crucial when you want to look the part when going to work. Of course, the idea of going to work is a little long in the past for some people, but it’s still important to have clean, sharp clothes to ensure you look professional. 


Properly fitting clothes, especially those from the tailor, will ensure you look as sharp as you like. It’s not just about looking good, though. Quality clothes (even clothes that are slightly more expensive than the bargain options) will last longer. Over time, you’ll spend less on these than you would on cheap clothes and shoes as you’ll not need to replace them as often.  


Your Wheels 


Many people, especially those who live in the city, will resist buying a car for as long as they possibly can. It’s understandable why this is the case. Cars can be significant money drains if you don’t use them often enough, but they can still be considered an essential purchase. 


Investing in a car will give you more freedom no matter where you are. You don’t need to rely on public transport, you can get out of town without paying extortionate fees for a taxi, and you come across as more reliable. Dealerships like Tom Ahl CDJR offer a range of possible car options for you to check out, so you can find something that suits your situation. 


Your Fitness


Your fitness is something that always deserves investment. Keeping fit and healthy should never be considered a luxury. Instead, it’s vital for guaranteeing superb mental and physical wellbeing. 


But, how do you approach your fitness? When it comes to spending money, consider the cost of a gym membership versus a home gym setup. You might be more comfortable in a gym, but some monthly fees can be pricey. Conversely, while a home gym doesn’t give you the range of equipment, it can be cheaper and more convenient, especially if you’re struggling to find motivation. 


Your Happiness


Humans were not designed to work all day and then go to sleep when they get home. You need to do other things to keep your mind occupied and prove there’s much more to life than sitting in front of a computer all day long. 


Hobbies, whether exercise, creating, or video games, are always worth spending money on. If you invest in the best equipment, you will have a better experience and can improve your skills more efficiently. This boosts your enjoyment, improves your experience, and gives you all the tools you need to dive deeper. 


Your Family 


Besides thinking about protecting yourself and loving the life you’re living, it’s also crucial to think about your family. You must protect your family at all costs, whether financially or in their overall health and safety. 


This means looking at the different options available to you. Life insurance policies, home security, and healthy food can all benefit your family, as can the best medical care around. You might think this is an easy decision, anyway; you are happy to protect your family at all costs. Therefore, think about how your spending, combined with your partner’s earnings, can make your family more comfortable and safe throughout the years. 


Your Dream Situation 


Everyone has a dream about who they want to be or where they want to live in five, ten, or even fifteen years. However, most will merely accept that it’s never going to happen, and they’d rather focus on other aspects of their life. 


There’s nothing wrong with this approach, but there’s always the risk that you will feel like you’ve not done enough. Because of this, it’s always beneficial to think about how you can achieve your dream situation. If you want to move away and live on the other side of the world, look at how you can do this and take steps to make it possible. If you want to own a home in the mountains, about investments and development available to you. 


Your Future 


Although it’s always important to live in the now, you must also think about your future. One of the biggest things that will affect your future is your retirement fund. This is an interesting point that’s slightly different from other options as you’re not spending money on something, but rather putting it away for later. 


When you’re young and earning your first paychecks, you feel like you have all the cash and freedom you’ve ever wanted. You must make the most of it, but you must also consider the future. Because of this, don’t forget to put some money away into retirement plans. If possible, look at the benefits your company offers to make this easier. 




The world can be cruel and stressful. It can knock you down every day and not care that you keep getting back up. This can make even the strongest guys struggle to face up to the day ahead of them. Remember that there are options to provide help and assistance if you feel the world is getting a little too heavy. 


Mental health in men is criminally underrepresented, even if there has been a growing focus in recent months. Don’t neglect to reach out for help, both professionally and through friends and family. The financial costs could be a lot in places, but it will be worth it every time.




If you want to live life to the fullest, you will need to spend money in some areas of your life. From looking good to focus on improving yourself, you can always justify expenses here and there, as long as you don’t allow it to get out of hand. 

Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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