

cudithecorgi - cudi the corgi - corgi - Puppy from the Bronx - Dog with a bow tie - dandy in the bronx

Most people will be familiar with the saying, “A dog is man’s best friend,” but few people actually stop to ponder just what exactly led to this conclusion. Just what is it that makes a dog so endearing to mankind?

Here is a light-hearted look at exactly what makes our four-legged friends so special.

Dogs can forgive and forget


They say an elephant never forgets – in which case the dog is perhaps the complete polar opposite. Dogs seem to have a fairly poor short-term memory, and therefore they are far more likely to forgive and forget.

This can mean that they can work around those occasional times when you bring a date home and spend more of the evening focusing on them than your four-legged friend. Or those times when you go overboard teasing your dog by hiding their food.

The bottom line is your dog tends to neatly forget all those little instances where you have annoyed them, and they just don’t harbor long-term grudges. In a few short hours, your relationship is as good as gold!

Caring for your best friend


Love them or hate them, there is something unique and endearing about dogs. For some people, they are a constant buddy and companion. For others, they are the bane of one’s existence with their constant barking and need for attention – in which case, you’re probably a cat lover.

Regardless, whether you’re already a pet owner or simply contemplating it, a website like exceptionalpets.com is worth a visit.

Dogs are extremely loyal


In the good times and the bad, a dog always has your back. Unlike cats, which are solitary creatures in the wild, the dog is essentially a highly social pack animal, so they naturally form bonds.

In a domestic situation, a dog recognizes you as family. More than that, your dog is your wingman and your accomplice. No questions asked – just keep that food supply up, and keeping throwing that Frisbee occasionally, and you have loyalty for life. 

Actually, that comment about a dog recognizing you as family is gospel truth. In a study at Emory University, dogs were placed in an MRI machine and had their brains scanned (they even trust you do that!). They were given a range of test odors to smell, including food, other dogs, and their human companion. The ‘reward center’ in the dogs’ brains lit up the strongest when presented with the odor of their owner. 

You’d probably have to join a motorcycle gang to get a better commitment than that.


All play and no work


A dog will always serve to remind you that your life can’t simply be all work and no play. They can be patient (up to a point), but a dog is in its element in the great outdoors – be it a simple walk around the neighborhood to check out all the lamp posts or a full-on fun session at the local dog beach or park.


Live long and prosper


Studies have shown that dog ownership has a number of health benefits and reduces stress, irritability, and ailments like heart disease. While it is not recommended you replace your doctor with a dog, the benefits of owning a dog are quite clear, as this study in Scientific Report clearly shows.

The facts clearly speak for themselves – a man’s best friend for life clearly has four legs and a tail – unless it’s a Croatian Sheepdog or a French Bulldog, in which case it has four legs and no tail.


Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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