They say the clothes make the man, but your car can say a whole lot about who you are too…




Chrysler drivers are dependable. Or so they like to think. Chances are if you drive one, you’re an older guy who loves nothing more than a good movie followed by a great steak. You don’t follow the latest fashions, and you may not get your hair cut as often as you should, but you do make an effort to always be clean and presentable. Basically, you’re a solid all-American guy and that’s A-OK.




If you drive an Audi, you are likely to be a city-dwelling millennial who likes to dress sharp and vote democrat, according to research anyway.




If you drive a Ford, you’re the dependable type. Friendly, practical, but always forthright, you probably own a dog or two, and you’re more likely to be seen wearing a flannel shirt at the ball game than you are in the trendy bar downtown. Looks aren’t the most important to you but you do love your Converse and your Dickies.




Drive a Toyota? You’re as Gen X and they come. You probably work in a hands-on job, perhaps in transportation or a local body repair shop, and have a love for college football. When it comes to looking good, you like to take care of yourself by hitting the gym and lifting heavy things, and stores like Banana Republic are your natural home. You’re smart, stylish, and always up for fun.




Dodge drivers are kind-hearted guys who love to take good care of their vehicles, even if it does mean getting a little dirty. You don’t care about your hair and clothes are something you just wear, but despite that, you tend to look pretty good in a rugged kind of way. You love life and bacon as much as you love helping people and having a good time.




If you drive a Honda, chances are you’re a millennial working in the healthcare or education sectors. You’re the kind of person who loves spending the weekends hiking or exploring the various museums around the country. When it comes to style, you favor sportswear brands like Nike because being comfortable is more important than just about anything else, but you still want to look stylish too. You’re a responsible kind of guy, but you’re cool with that.




If you drive a Chevy, you’re a steak and eggs kind of guy. You love figuring out the inner workings of your vehicle, and well any kind of technology you can get your hands on really, which means you’re more of a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy, although you can scrub up well in a suit when you need to. You score dogs, and you love watching football with good friends. Chances are you’re also a classic rock or country fan, and you’re definitely not vain. The outdoors is your domain.


What does your car say about you? Is it a true reflection of how you see yourself or has the research got it wrong in your case?


Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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