What to do After a Motorcycle Crash: a Quick Guide

More American adults own motorcycles than ever before. Are you one of them?

Motorcycles offer more freedom and time for reflection than other modes of transportation. They’re also much more dangerous than driving a car or riding a bike.

As a matter of fact, 30% of road accidents involve either a two or 3-wheeled vehicle worldwide. And, in most cases, riders suffer more injuries.

What happens if you get into a motorcycle accident? Read on for a quick guide to what to do after a motorcycle crash.

Safety First

When involved in a motorcycle crash, safety should always be the first priority. It is important to know what to do in the case of an accident in order to protect yourself, as well as other parties involved.

First and foremost, you should always remain on the scene and ensure that everyone is safe. Check yourself for any injuries before checking on others.

Call For Help

 Dial 911 or make sure that someone else does. It is important to stay calm and be as descriptive as possible when giving the operator information. Seek medical help for any injuries.

Make sure to let them know your exact location, how many people are involved, and the condition of those involved. Be sure to provide the dispatcher with any identifying information related to the incident.

When help arrives, make sure to remain on the scene and cooperate with any instructions given. Following these steps will ensure that you get the help you need quickly after a motorcycle crash.

Gather Information and Evidence

Riders and any witnesses should write down the other vehicle’s insurance and contact information. Photographs should be taken of the scene of the accident, including the point of impact and any skid marks, damage to the vehicles, road signs, and any other relevant details.

Additionally, the rider should take notes on the time and weather conditions, the speed at which the motorcycle was traveling at the time of the incident, and the condition of the vehicle before and after the crash. 

Contact an Accident Lawyer

Based on Arizona motorcycle accident laws, it is essential to seek advice from an attorney and insurance company after a motorcycle crash. An experienced partner who understands Arizona’s motorcycle laws and can assist in filing a claim can be a valuable asset.

They can offer advice on dealing with personal injury lawyers and insurance companies, filing a claim for damages, or even negotiating a settlement with the other party. They are the best people to have on your side if you want to ensure that your legal rights are protected.

Notify Your Insurance Company

It is important to keep your insurance information and policy information on hand in case of an emergency. After the crash, calling the insurance company should be a priority.

Make sure to provide all information regarding the crash, the location, the other parties involved, and if any medical treatment is being sought. Be prepared to provide details of the crash in order for the company to assess the situation and properly handle your claim.

Know What To Do After a Motorcycle Crash

After a motorcycle crash, listen to your body and contact medical help right away. Once any injuries have been taken care of, contact an experienced accident attorney, your insurance company, and the local authorities.

This is to ensure you get the best outcome for the case. Take action now and contact an experienced attorney to protect your rights.

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