What Is a Planche Lean and How Can You Achieve It?

A planche lean is a gymnastic move that requires the body to be fully extended horizontally, with toes pointed and only the hands supporting your weight. It’s a difficult move to master, but if you practice correctly and train consistently, you can achieve it. So, what do you need to know about learning the planche lean?


1. Start with the basics


Before attempting a planche lean, you should master basic bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and core exercises like planks. These moves will help develop strength in your arms, chest, back, and abs—all of which are important for mastering it. By learning the planche lean in stages, you’ll be able to slowly build the strength and control required for a full-length planche. There are many progressions available to work your way up to the full move, like half presses and scapular push-ups. It’s important to keep good form and practice regularly.


2. Build your core strength


Your core is the foundation of any movement, so it’s important to build a strong midsection. Working on exercises like hollow holds, mountain climbers and Russian twists will help you develop the necessary strength in your core muscles that you’ll need for a planche lean. Some people may even find it beneficial to incorporate weighted exercises like deadlifts and squats into their workout routine, as these will help you increase your overall strength. You must focus on developing strength in your core before attempting the full planche lean.


3. Practice on a mat or wall


Before attempting the full planche lean, practice on a mat or against a wall first. This will help you build up your strength and control before trying it in the air. When practicing against a wall, make sure that your arms are slightly bent and shoulders pulled back to avoid straining any muscles. If you’re using a mat, keep your body completely straight throughout the entire movement, and try not to arch your back at any point. The key is to maintain control and focus on form.


4. Train consistently


Iti s a difficult move to master, so it’s important to have patience and practice regularly. Training consistently will help you build the strength and control needed for the full-length planche. You should also pay close attention to your form during each repetition, as this will ensure that you don’t strain any muscles or risk injury. Remember, progress takes time—so be patient and keep working hard!


5. Ask a friend for help


If you’re having difficulty mastering it, consider asking a friend or coach to help. They can spot you while you practice and provide feedback on your form. It’s also helpful to watch videos of experienced practitioners performing the move to get an idea of what it should look like when done correctly. With some guidance and practice, you’ll be able to achieve the perfect planche lean! 


6. Find the right gym for you


When learning a new skill, it’s important to have access to the right environment. Look for a gym or training facility that offers classes specifically designed for mastering bodyweight exercises. Classes are often tailored to different levels of experience and can provide you with additional guidance from experienced coaches. This will help you stay focused and motivated on your journey towards achieving the perfect planche lean! 


Why is it important to start slow when learning any new physical skill?


It is important to start slow when learning any new physical skill for several reasons. First, it allows you to properly understand the basics of the movement before attempting more complex variations. Starting slowly also gives your body time to adjust and build strength gradually as you progress, reducing the risk of injury. Additionally, starting slow ensures that you’re able to practice good form consistently and make small adjustments when needed—which can help improve technique in the long run.


Is it necessary to incorporate weighted exercises into your workout routine?


It is not necessary to incorporate weighted exercises into your workout routine when learning a new skill. That said, adding some weightlifting exercises may be beneficial for increasing overall strength, which can help you progress faster toward mastering the move. However, it’s important to remember that bodyweight training still plays an important role in achieving success with any physical skill—so make sure to focus on building core strength and optimizing form first before attempting weighted exercises.  ​



Most importantly, remember to stay consistent and stick with your training. With the right preparations and practice, you can master the planche lean—and even use it as a base for more advanced gymnastic moves. So keep at it—you’ll be doing full-length planches in no time!  Good luck! Happy training!

Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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