At the moment travel is on hold, but once it picks back up it is important to know how to get prepared as we may have gotten out of the loop.

Of course there are a lot of safety aspects too, such as being sure that you are covered with the right insurance, be sure not to drink and drive, or if such issues should arise be sure to look at getting advice from a dui lawyer. You can certainly keep yourself prepared for every eventuality but for now here is a timeline breakdown of what to prepare and when:


Four Weeks Before You’re Set To Go 


  • Check that you have visas if you are travelling to a country that requires them. You can usually find out details on the official websites of the country you are travelling to, and apply online for anything you might need. 
  • Look into any vaccinations that you might need to keep healthy. You don’t need to have them at this point in most cases, but it’s worth checking what might be required and booking appointments if needed.
  • If you’re travelling in Europe, now’s the time to make sure your EHIC application is up to date. This covers you for healthcare whilst on the continent, so it’s an important bit of information. If you’re going to hire a car then look at where you will go on a trip.

Three Weeks Before You’re Set To Go 

  • Time to book travel insurance, even if it’s just for a short trip and this can be found in many places, including some banks. Don’t be caught unawares.
  • If you need vaccinations for your destination, now’s the time for the unpleasant appointment. You might start to feel like a pincushion, but better than getting sick on the road especially if you are in remote areas. 

Two Weeks Before You’re Set To Go 


  • Find your passport and make sure it’s in a safe place. Take a photo of where it is and keep it on your phone, so you can remember you’ve got it located. Try to not move it again after this point. 
  • Gather together documentation on any health conditions and medicines you are taking. If possible, translate them online into the language of the country you are visiting. This will save time if you run into any medical problems on route. 
  • You should have any visa documents by this point and be sure that they are valid for the right amount of time and chase them if not.

One Week Before You’re Set To Go

  • You need to think about money and buy in advance and avoid the airports as the exchange rates are notoriously bad and you could end up being ripped off. You can use online sites to find the best deals. Remember to collect money you order as soon as possible; it has no protection, so get it in your possession as soon as possible. 
  • Save and print off copies of insurance information. Also details of the hotel and any transport hire you have purchased in advance and kept in files.