navy suit - white shirt - orange tie - orange knitted tie - orange flower lapel flower - dandy in the bronx

If you are dressing for an interview, then first of all – congratulations on getting the interview and good luck. Remember, when meeting someone for the first time, your appearance is the first thing they will judge you on, so dress to impress. Yes, interviews are stressful but with the right attire, you can feel confident that you look the part but also feel better about yourself knowing you look smart too.


Picking the right outfit will vary depending on the type of interview you are going for, but for most interviews, the rule of thumb is to look presentable and be keen. Below are four tips when dressing for an interview. 


Wear a Tie 

Remember, you are dressing to impress as this is an interview. Your tie should be contemporary and look smart. Make sure you tie it correctly and that it goes with your outfit without clashing. Even without a suit, a tie is a good option as it shows you have made the effort to dress smartly and present yourself in a good way for the interview. As with most of your outfit, try and keep it as neutral as possible as this is the least offensive option. You can always wear your comical ties once you have landed your job and know the people. 



Chances are you will be wearing a suit or a blazer and smart trousers. Make sure you finish the outfit off with a nice pair of shoes. A few hours or the day before your interview make sure they are freshly polished and cleaned. The last thing you want to do is turn up to an interview with mud or marks all over them. If you struggle to drive in your smart shoes, make sure you have a pair to change into for the journey. 



Make sure you iron and layout your shirt the night before. If you need cufflinks, make sure you get some appropriate ones out that will compliment the outfit. If you are going to wear a blazer or a suit, have in the back of your mind how this shirt will look with the rest of your attire. You want to make sure you look smart and presentable. Neutral colors like white and black are best for an interview as they are inoffensive but show you care about your appearance. 


Set an alarm early in the morning so that you have enough time to get ready. The way your hair looks is important as this will not only complete the look but also show that you take care of yourself. By getting up early you can use a hair kit like to make your hair feel good and look its best for the interview. After looking after your hair you can then add any aftershave and deodorant to compliment your look with a good smell. 


How do you prepare for an interview? Have you got any style tips? Let us know in the comment box below, we would love to hear from you. 


Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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