Six Summer Essentials for Men - dandy in the bronx - double breasted blazer - white pants - yellow tie

The temperatures are rising, meaning that summer is here. Although the sunshine is very welcome, the heat, if feeling quite stifling, can restrict our fashion or outfit choices in the summer somewhat.

That is why the accessories that you choose, and the finer details that you choose, will play an even bigger part in your style. If you are thinking about adding in something extra this summer, to up our style game, then here are some of the best accessories out there for men. 




A Bracelet

You may or may not be a fan of jewelry for men, but having a bracelet that is understated can help to add some personality to your outfits this summer. Some of the best options to choose from are leather or canvas, however beaded bracelets are popular at the moment. Bracelets can add a little boost to the style of your outfit, but can be a great addition for whatever your summer plans, from an outdoor wedding to a BBQ party. 


Statement Sunglasses

Can you even talk about summer without the mention of sunglasses? Having a statement pair is a must for your arsenal. They can be a simple way to amp up your style, but serve a valid and very practical purpose at the same time. Ray-Ban has a great selection, but instead of choosing dark lenses, you could go for mirrored or their turquoise lenses, for something more statement and stand out; they still look good too. 


Chain Necklace

Whether the show ‘Normal People’ and ‘Connell’s chain’ has made a chain necklace for men popular remains to be seen, but having a chain necklace is a great option for the summer. A mens gold rope chain can add a little extra something when you’re on vacation, and can make just wearing swimming shorts look extra stylish. They can look good with tees and an open collar shirt, so they are a must for your summer style.


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Invisible Socks

If you want to wear sneakers with shorts, or boat loafers with ankle-length pants, then having invisible socks on is a must. They help you to keep looking good, all while keeping your feet comfortable and avoiding getting stinky shoes. There are a number of places that sell them, so there will be some for every budget. Don’t go out this summer without them!


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Summer Hat

One simple way to look stylish, but still stay cool in the summer heat, is to have a hat this summer. Baseball caps have their place, but in order to really stay cool in the summer heat, you should choose a brimmed hat, probably made from soft straw. The material makes it an ideal choice for the heat of summer, and the style that they are means that they can be dressed up, as well as dressed down. 


summer style for men - pocket square - white linen shirt - dandy in the bronx


Pocket Square

Even though we are in summer, we still have work to go to, meetings to arrange, and events like weddings or parties to go to. So although t-shirt and shorts might be the ideal, there will be many occasions to still wear a suit. Wearing a tie isn’t ideal in summer, and may not be required. Which is why it can be a good idea to choose a pocket square instead. With a bold print, it can look good, keep you smart, but add an element of fun to a tailored look.

Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy. -Diego
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