
Signs you are Experiencing Burnout

If you feel as though you are burnt out more than you should be, or if you feel as though you are constantly fighting yourself to stay awake then you are not alone. So many people are in the same position as you right now, and if you want to do something about it, then you simply need to take a look below so you can find out if you are experiencing burnout or not.

You’re Restless

One huge sign that you are simply taking on too much is if you are constantly restless. Maybe you aren’t taking breaks as often as you should be or you are hopping from one job or project to the next. When you do finally get to the point where you can relax, you may find that you crash, which makes it hard to recharge when you simply need it the most.

You’re Awake

Sleep is one of the first things that you may suffer from when you are stressed or overwhelmed. It may be that you are staying up for hours on end and that you are constantly trying to get things done but you can’t. You may also be struggling with insomnia if you have had sleep disturbances for a week with no improvement. Of course, at the end of the day, sleep problems can cause you major distress and it can also impact how you can function too. It may be that you are eating differently as well, which can impact your health so make sure that you keep that in mind.

You’re Eating Differently

Changes in your dietary habits can also indicate that you are stressed or overwhelmed. Take note if you are staying up extra hours at night without being able to fall back asleep. You may also be struggling with insomnia if you have had sleep disturbances for 3 nights a week, for 3 months. Sleep problems can be the result of a lot of different things, so try and keep that in mind. As well as sleep issues, you may be having problems with intimacy. If this is the case then you can find premature ejaculation pills to try and help yourself with that.

You Have No Motivation

Dragging yourself to work because you just don’t care about being there, or even losing interest in the things that you once loved can all be a sign that you are burnt out. It may be that people aren’t coming to you for the things that they once did and that your boss has seen a dip in your performance too. If this is the case then you really do need to take steps against this because if you don’t then you may find that you end up losing your job when in reality all of this could have been prevented. If you want to help yourself then it could be worth trying to talk with your boss about your burnout so that they can take steps to give you the help you need at work.