Rev Up Your Motorcycle Safety With These Biking Gadgets - DANDY IN THE BRONX

Just like with our cars, there’s now a wide range of gadgets available for our motorcycles.

Though bikes don’t quite have access to infotainment systems, additional investments can enhance two-wheeled journeys no end. And, it isn’t just our driving experiences which we improve by purchasing these little extras.

The right motorcycle gadgets can also go a long way towards keeping us safe on even the longest of two-wheeled trips. That’s a benefit indeed considering that, despite accounting for only `1% of drivers on the road, motorcycle deaths make up 15% of road-based fatalities. You could say, then, that safety should be your priority before you even think about getting a motorcycle.

Of course, the best way to stay safe is to perfect your driving. Mistakes while riding your motorcycle could prove fatal for you and those around you. But, there’s no need to rely solely on your powers of observation. That’s because some of the gadgets currently on the market also offer the following benefits.


If you thought communicating with the outside world was tough in your car, try getting a message out while riding a motorcycle. Obviously, so much as touching your phone is impossible while you’re driving a bike. Even taking one hand off your steering is sure to see your front wheel spinning out. You won’t even be able to turn and look at your fellow bikers on group rides. Sometimes, though, communication itself is vital for safety, especially on group rides. Luckily, you can stay connected by getting yourself a motorcycle helmet camera like the Sena 10C-01. This Bluetooth device ensures that you can easily tune in with your friends without once having to fumble in your pockets or put yourself at risk.


Heavy motorcycles are more dangerous all around. For one, a bike which is loaded down with gear is sure to be harder to steer. What’s more, that extra weight could prove fatal if you did have an accident. That’s why light travel is also vital for safety and, luckily, gadgets have got you covered here too. It may not be the most advanced tech you’ve ever known, but something as simple as an electronic tyre pump can save you from needing to carry around excessive equipment which weighs you down and puts you at risk.

What To Consider When Buying A Motorcycle


There are even gadgets out there which can help you control your media. Options like the Satechi media button can connect to your phone through Bluetooth. You can then attach these to your handlebars and skip songs or control media volume as quickly as you might if you were driving in four wheels instead of two. All the better for making sure you never need take your eyes off the road.

Of course, gadgets can’t guarantee your safety, but they can make it more likely that you’ll avoid issues. It makes sense, then, to invest in the best motorcycle riding tech you can find sooner rather than later.