Man smiling while having coffee and looking at his phone - dandy in the bronx

We’ve all seen the surge in “self-care” trends in recent years, with women finally taking the time to tune into their needs, both the superficial and fun and the more serious.


Self-care of all types is so important, and that old adage is true: you can’t fill from an empty cup. Doing little things for yourself is so important for your overall mental and physical health as well as your overall happiness.

But that isn’t just true for women. Men, too, should pay special attention to self-care. Taking the time to treat yourself to little things, to stay in tune with your body’s wants and needs, and to occasionally pamper yourself is so important to your wellbeing. Life is stressful enough with everyday adult responsibilities such as work, kids, the mortgage and so on – add to that the current state of events in the world and the stress can cause you to crack. That’s why now is the best time of all to implement a few self care routines into your day. Whatever that means for you, wherever your interests, hobbies and passions lie, do a few things just for yourself today. Your body and mind will thank you for it. 


Hygiene, Health and Beauty

The health and beauty industry may primarily target a female audience, but make no mistake. Many men of all types are interested in health and beauty routines. Men are interested in grooming, skincare, fragrance, and yes, men do laser hair removal too! You don’t have to resign yourself to a bathroom full of sad 3-in-1 soap products: if you love nice, sweet-smelling lotions and are interested in seeing an aesthetician for hair removal: go for it! There is no reason you shouldn’t enjoy your hygiene routine and treat yourself to nice products and services just because you’re a guy. 


Exercise and Getting Moving

Self-care in the form of exercise and movement is just as much about your mental health as it is “getting fit”. Too many people assume that exercise is solely about weight loss, or that unless it’s playing basketball or skateboarding, it isn’t for guys. That’s simply not true. You may find that your mood vastly improves by taking a long walk with the family, or adding yoga into your morning routine. Even a long, leisurely bike ride can get your blood pumping and endorphins going. As long as you’re moving, the method doesn’t really matter.


Good Food

Self-care and food is all about finding that balance: cooking and eating nutritious, healthy meals that are fresh and full of goodness, and balancing that with a truly decadent treat now and then. We don’t believe in denying yourself that amazing Krispy Kreme donut or a scoop or two of Ben & Jerry’s – as long as you’re eating healthy and doing your best day to day, those treats are absolutely essential. So buy that bag of gummy bears and enjoy them! Yummy treats aren’t just for kids. 


These are just three ideas for male self-care, but there are thousands more. Whatever makes you happy and makes you feel good: do that! When you look after your health and happiness, your entire body will see the benefit.