In today’s world, there are more hobbies and pastimes available than ever before, and there is also more freedom and flexibility for all of us to explore our own interests and pastimes of choice.


While it’s great that we can all delve into our personal interests wholeheartedly, whether those are related to style and fashion, computer programming, or reading fine literature, there are also some pretty interesting “guy hobbies” out there that were really prominent not too long ago but which have faded from prominence in recent times, that it might be worth exploring if you aren’t already.


So, if you are a modern man and want to reconnect with the spirit of masculinity from earlier times, here’s a selection of old-time masculine hobbies to try out.


Working on cars


Although cars continue to be popular, there’s been a real drop in how many guys out there spend time working on their own vehicles, repairing their own engine problems, and tinkering with – or outright building – their dream cars.


Of course, a big part of this has to do with the simple fact that it’s now way more difficult to actually be your own mechanic, when it comes to dealing with modern automobiles. There is way too much going on in terms of complex proprietary components, integrated computers, and all the rest.


Nonetheless, however, you can still find resources such as the best place to buy Mercedes parts online, and can do some work on your own vehicle, for sure. And you can go a step further, as well, by taking on a car repair project such as restoring an old vintage muscle-car that you’ve always loved, for example.


Working on your own car can help to teach you patience and focus. It can get you out of your own head, and it can give you a renewed sense of confidence and autonomy. And, when all is said and done, it’s difficult not to feel pretty pleased with yourself when you’ve just completed a great repair or restoration job, and are relaxing afterwards and basking in the pride of a job well done.




Woodworking – both in terms of whittling ornaments on the one hand, and doing DIY carpentry on the other hand – is an ancient pastime that comes with all sorts of different benefits.


Woodworking allows you to get back in touch with something “primal,” that connects you to aeons worth of your ancestors who predated you.


Woodworking also allows you to take a real turn in the direction of authenticity, by allowing you to create your own furniture and decorations, as opposed to just buying everything out of a catalogue, like we all tend to these days.




Journalling definitely may not seem like a “traditionally masculine” hobby at first glance.


In fact, it may seem like exactly the opposite – like something that is more stereotypically associated with young girls who have pink diaries and use them to record all their personal secrets, interpersonal social squabbles, and thoughts about boys.


When you look back at history, however, journals and memoirs have been a regular part of the lives of all sorts of great men throughout the ages, both in an everyday context, and also in more extreme situations such as in war.


Taking up journaling may not only help you to come to terms with your thoughts, daily struggles, concerns, and preoccupations in a healthier way, but it can also serve as a record that you can leave behind for those who come after you. In this way, a journal can connect you with future generations and help you to feel more connected, in general, in the grand scheme of things.


Bush craft


It’s difficult to think of many more traditionally masculine hobbies and pastimes than bush craft – the act of going into the woods, and simply knowing how to survive, whether in terms of building a shelter, preparing fire, tracking game, or navigating using the sun and stars.


You don’t need to become the next Bear Grylls in order to benefit from brushing up your bush craft skills a bit.


Simply spending more time in nature, and learning how to manage a few basic survival skills can really have a powerful impact when it comes to helping you to reset and be more resilient with regards to your daily challenges, while also building your confidence.


Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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