How to wear a tie bar - how to wear a tip clip - what is a tie clip - what is a tie bar- tie bar purpose - tie clip purpose - dandy in the bronx

It’s time for menswear trivia! Let’s learn about the history of tie bars (or tie clips) and how to wear a tie bar.


So what is the purpose of a tie bar? It is a clothing accessory that is used to clip a tie to the shirt front, preventing it from swinging. It helps keep the tie straight.


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Back in the Victorian Era, little metal pins were used to keep ties held down. The issue with tie pins, however, was that they’d puncture neckwear, leaving holes. It wasn’t until the 1900s that the tie bar was born as a solution.


How to wear a tie bar - how to wear a tip clip - what is a tie clip - what is a tie bar - tie bar purpose - tie clip purpose - dandy in the bronx


The use of tie bars gained prominence during the 1920s. Tie bars largely came to replace the more traditional tie pin. ⁣


Tie bars, also known as tie slide, tie clip, or tie clasp, are commonly made of metal and often have decorative patterns or embellishments. Back in the day, some tie bars would have a badge that would indicate membership to a club or some other group. Some tie bars were even created to celebrate events; commemorative tie bars were produced for the 1933 Chicago World’s Fair and the 1964 New York World’s Fair. Disney even made a Goofy tie bar in the 1940s. They were similar to how we use enamel pins today.


How to wear a tie bar - how to wear a tip clip - what is a tie clip - what is a tie bar - tie bar purpose - tie clip purpose - dandy in the bronx




So how do you wear a tie bar? I keep it along the same plane as my blazer pocket or slightly lower. Remember, a tie bar doesn’t just clip to your tie, you need to clip it to your shirt. Also, don’t wear a tie bar that’s wider than your tie. I’m a fan of wearing 1” tie bars


How to wear a tie bar - how to wear a tip clip - what is a tie clip - what is a tie bar - tie bar purpose - tie clip purpose - dandy in the bronx

⁣So what about a tie bar with a vest? If you ask around, many will say it’s a big no no. They argue that since the waist coat keeps your tie held down, it defeats the purpose of the tie bar. This is similar to the paradox of wearing suspenders and a belt. However, neckties of the past did not have a loop in back. The little loop that kept the tie together in back didn’t start appearing until the 1950s and wasn’t everywhere until the late 1960s; thus the tie bar was not only used to keep the tie to the shirt, but also to keep the back from flying out. The tie bar was necessary even with a waistcoat or vest because it will still separate itself. This is the original purpose of the tie bar. So if you’re wearing a vintage tie with no loop in back, wearing a tie bar with a vest is not only acceptable etiquette, but also necessary. Between you and me, I don’t think a vest does a good job on being a pseudo tie bar. So don’t worry, I won’t judge you.


How to wear a tie bar - how to wear a tip clip - what is a tie clip - what is a tie bar - tie bar purpose - tie clip purpose - dandy in the bronx

Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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