Making Your Style More Eco-Friendly

We’re living in an age of fast fashion.


Many of us get clothes from major retailers for a low price. There are perks that come hand in hand with this. When you see an item, chances are there will be one on the rail that’s exactly your size. If it’s damaged or faulty you can just switch it for another. If it sells out, it’s highly likely that it will be restocked soon. However, when it comes to the wellbeing of the planet, fast fashion really is far from great. Because clothes are cheap, they become almost disposable. People will wear an outfit a couple of times and then dispose of it. The outfits also tend to be low quality, meaning that they won’t last too many washes and wears anyway. As scientific research progresses, more and more of us are becoming increasingly aware of the detrimental impact we’re having on the planet and are taking a number of steps to reduce our emissions and take better care of the wider world. But rather than focusing your efforts solely on recycling your food packaging and using energy efficient light bulbs, why not take a look at your wardrobe too?


Recycle Unwanted Clothing


First things first, let’s tackle any of your unwanted clothing. If the clothing is in good condition, why not sell it on a site like eBay or an app like Depop? Alternatively, you can donate it to a charity shop who can then sell it on and make some money for the good cause they support.




Buy from Charity Stores


In a similar vein of recycling clothing, why not buy your clothes from charity stores? This will reduce the environmental impact of the item, making it last longer and giving it further use while reducing demand for new clothing to be made. Browse the racks in your local store. You can find some real gems, including designer pieces.


Photo by Rose Callahan


Photography by Rose Callahan


Buy Vintage


Vintage is similar to charity store clothing in that it is often secondhand. But it is generally of its era. Browse vintage stores for unique vintage or retro pieces and give them a new lease of life.


Consider Your Accessories


Some people incorporate other parts of their life as fashion accessories. Vehicles are just one example. Sure, they’re practical and serve a pretty specific function. But most of us will choose a vehicle that expresses our personalities and our values. But try to make these eco-friendly too! An electric car or electric motorcycle will drastically reduce your emissions!


Only Buy What You Need


Sure, you may want as many outfits as you can possibly get. But where possible, try to only purchase what you need. The amount of work and effort that goes into getting any item made and transported to you is high. Avoid having this process carried out simply to leave items hanging in your wardrobe untouched!


These are just a few steps that can help you to reduce your footprint on the plant while still looking good! Implement them into your shopping routine!