man looking at tires

If you didn’t know already, the tires on your car are pretty vital. Of course, you know their role, but many people around the world will happily continue with a flat and not bother to get things changed until they really, really need to.

There are more specific reasons as to why one might need to focus on the quality and lifespan of their car tires. Here are just three for you right now: 


Safety, Of Course


The safety of yourself and those around you matters an awful lot when it comes to life behind the wheel. With an awkward tire or an underinflated one, you could cause all kinds of issues. Driving is supposed to be easy and calm, and a flat tire can lead to anything but that. 


Fuel Economy


If you have flat and underperforming tires, then you could end up paying more for your fuel. We all know how expensive running a car can be over time due to these ongoing costs, so we really must ensure we’re squeezing out every possible mile. Be sure to keep your ties inflated so that your car doesn’t need to work anywhere near as hard for the distance. 




It’s not all about the function – the looks play a part, too! Many drivers just like a comfortably-sized tire that won’t stand out, but many others will enjoy customizing! A pretty set of tires together with attractive rims can nudge the rating of the aesthetic up a few notches.


All in all, the tires and their capability matters an awful lot. Fortunately, you can get to places that will allow them to be worked on for FREE if you so choose. Check out the infographic below if you’re at all interested in this idea!

Infographic designed by: Gas Stations With Free Air Pumps


Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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