Men have always cut their own hair if they could, but during the lockdown, it’s become a necessity for many. Cutting your own hair also saves you time and money. You won’t have to sit in the barbershop for hours as you wait your turn, and the only big expense you pay is the initial investment in tools.


For those who are trying this for the first time, it’s best to consume as much information about self-grooming as you can before you start. The more familiar you become with the process, the fewer mistakes you will make. We’ve gathered a few tips for you to help you cut your hair at home.


It’s All About The Tools

Whether you’re cutting your lawn or cutting your hair, you won’t get anything done if you don’t have all the tools. In addition to having them though, you will also need to know how to use them and what each tool is best at. This will enable you to use the best technique to get a great cut.


Browse high-quality clippers that won’t pull your hair as you run them through. You’ll also need trimmers for fine details, shears to remove clumps of hair, combs to style and adjust, and scissors to even things out when necessary. So now you’ve got the tools, how do you use them correctly?

Don’t Cut Blind

We know that you’re not planning to wear a blindfold, but that’s not what we’re talking about. It’s important that you’re able to see the parts of your hair that you’re working on. You wouldn’t ride your bike with your eyes closed, would you?


The easiest way to view different parts of your head is to use a dual mirror setup. To clearly see where you’re cutting, recommends pairing a wall mirror with a hand mirror as you cut. This will ensure that you’re not left with uneven or patchy hair.

Finding the Right Technique

Unless you have a photographic memory and have been watching your barber keenly, you’re not going to know how to cut right away. You might think that you can just wing it and end up with something good, but that’s a mistake. We’re not saying that cutting your hair is rocket science; we’re just saying that you shouldn’t underestimate what’s required.



You’ll need guidance for your first few cuts. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a barber, or look up videos online. The more you know, the better things will work out so take your time to learn as much as possible.

Dampen and Section

Your hair will be easier to handle once it’s damp and divided into sections. You can choose to spray it with some water or cut your hair after showering. Keeping it damp also helps with styling later on.


Once it’s damp, you can use the comb to detangle it so that snagging is reduced when you’re clipping. Then, to make cutting the hair easier, you can use the comb to divide it into sections. You can use clips to secure each section so that it doesn’t come undone.

Start With The Back

Don’t rush to start with the front of your head. Since that’s the first place anyone can see when you meet them, messing it up would be terrible. Wet your feet by starting with the back of the hair, where it’s a lot harder to mess up, and a bit easier to hide.


Start at the nape of the neck and clip lengths that are clearly ready for pruning, with small clips at first. From there you gradually work your way up and cut at the same angle to ensure uniformity. Take your time as you make your way through, making sure to pay attention to how much you are clipping each time.


Cutting your own hair is one of the things that most men strive to learn. It gives them a sense of independence and helps them save time and money. You start by getting the right tools and familiarizing yourself with the best cutting techniques based on the style you’re looking for. You can consult a local barber or watch Youtube videos that can show you how to get a specific style. Once you have the tools and technique, make sure you have the right setup so that you don’t make a mistake. Use dual mirrors to help with weird angles and cuts. It’s always best to dampen and section your hair before you begin so that cutting and styling are easier. We hope these tips help you to properly cut your own hair.


Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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