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Whether an illness is forcing you to adopt a healthier lifestyle or you want to cut a few pounds off the scale, crafting an enjoyable and sustainable routine is key to success. Don’t set yourself up for failure by going for hard-to-achieve plans.

For instance, enrolling in a gym membership when you’re a work-from-home dad with little free time might not be manageable in the long run. Think of a healthy routine that easily fits into your lifestyle, preferences, and likes. Here are tips to making healthy living enjoyable and sustainable

Keep the Fun Going

The most significant mistake people make when looking for a healthy lifestyle is adopting a new way of life without thinking about long-term effects. For instance, if you starve yourself or fast to lose weight, it might be sustainable in the short term, but it’s not something you can do for a prolonged period. 

You might be able to fast for a few days up to a week, but deep down, you’ll be craving the foods you’re used to. Eventually, you’ll reach your breaking point and go back to your usual eating habits making the fast pointless. 

To avoid this, think of long-term sustainable and straightforward options such as reducing the amount of food served but not skipping meals. You can still enjoy living a healthy life, enjoy the foods you love without the worry of adding extra weight. 

The key is in keeping the portions at a minimum, reducing starch and highly processed foods. Also, seek alternatives for the meals you love. You don’t have to get rid of desserts but can opt for healthier options.

The same goes for wines when you’re on a keto diet. Go for keto friendly wines making the whole experience fulfilling and something to always look forward to.

Have Tangible Goals

To achieve success, think of why you want to change to a healthier lifestyle and keep focused on your mission. Do you want to lose weight, get fitter, or you’re concerned that you’re getting older and your health is at risk?

Whatever your driving force is, think about it every day, making it the fuel for every decision you make. If your goal is to lose weight, you’ll be careful with the food choices you make. You’ll quickly notice any changes to your body weight. Also, learn to celebrate every milestone even when it seems insignificant. 

For instance, if you’ve managed to go for a day without snacking on junk, you deserve a celebration, motivating you to keep on going strong. It also helps to have measurable goals but make them achievable.

 It makes sense to set a goal such as losing 2 to 3 pounds every week which is doable but setting it to 20 pounds is impossible. You’ll be setting yourself up for failure.

Always be Prepared

Part of the reason many people abandon their healthy lifestyles is that they don’t plan. For instance, when you have a vacation coming up, think of how you’ll maintain healthy choices and at the same time enjoy the trip. One way is to pack healthy snacks, move into a rental that gives you the freedom to prepare your meals, or research the healthy foods available in the destination.

Also, think of how you’ll carry on with your exercise routine. It doesn’t have to be vigorous, but simple options such as a walk, swimming, jogging, or hiking can be fulfilling. If you have a busy schedule, carry some healthy snacks, and remember to set some time aside for exercise and meditation. 

Another reason people tend to abandon their healthy options is when they can’t find ready and healthy snacks when hungry. Junk foods tend to be more delicious when you’re hungry, and to avoid the temptation, always have healthy snacks within reach.

Over the weekend or when you have time, prepare lots of healthy foods for the entire week, which means you’ll be less tempted to eat out or order takeaway. 

Get Accountability Partners

When trying to achieve your goals, you need friends or concerned family members who’ll urge you to keep going on. Accountability partners check on your progress, encourage you to push on, and celebrate the victories with you. 

Sometimes you’ll not be as motivated as you need to be, but an accountability partner is always there to make sure you stick to the plan. If you can’t find a reliable family or friend to be an accountability partner, think of enrolling in a health and fitness class.

An online course gives you a professional outlook on your goals and someone to check on your progress. You’ll also achieve your goals faster because you have an experienced person guiding your moves. 

Fails are Part of the Learning Process

It’s not every day you’ll stick to the straight and narrow. Sometimes you’ll fail to do what is expected. When this happens, don’t beat yourself up but learn from the mistakes and understand what you need to do better next time.

For instance, if you realize you indulged more than you should have during a friend’s party, make sure you’ve had some healthy food before attending a party next time. Attending a party on an empty stomach will cause you to indulge more than you should, making you feel guilty afterward.

Get a Mentor

It’s not easy achieving the goals you’re focusing on, and it’s good to surround yourself with people who have made it, people you admire and would like to learn from their experiences. Mentors have gone through the current struggles you’re facing and are better experienced to advise you on the steps you need to take to achieve your goals.

As you try to achieve the life of your dreams, remember to create a healthy work-life balance. Remember that all work with no play makes life dull and less meaningful. Create time for activities you love, occasionally indulge in delicacies you like but don’t pass the health foods test, and spend more time with people who complete your life, such as family and true friends.

Most importantly, celebrate all your achievements, no matter how small. Stay positive, and you’ll achieve your goals sooner. 


Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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