Grooming can be a tedious task for some people, but an intricate one. This article discusses the best types of grooming practices to make you look polished and put together. 

Clean Your Teeth

Taking good care of your teeth and gums is one of the simplest ways to look polished.


Brush your teeth twice a day. Start with the front and work your way backward. Be sure to use a soft toothbrush, brush all the way around in circles, and use gentle pressure. See your dentist regularly for regular cleaning and professional treatment if you have gingivitis.


Floss every day. A flossing toothbrush combined with quality floss can remove up to 99% of plaque before it has a chance to cause tooth decay. 

Take Care Of Your Facial Skin

Looking after your facial skin not only makes you look nicer, but it can also help to keep your skin healthy and free from blemishes. 


Here are a few steps you can take to achieve the perfect complexion:


Start with a good face wash. Make sure to choose a face wash that is specifically designed for skin care. Choose something gentle that won’t irritate or dry out your skin.


Follow up your face wash with a moisturizer. Your moisturizer should be fragrant-free and work to seal in hydration for the day. Try using a lightweight formula that won’t feel heavy on the skin or cake up.


Apply sunscreen every day! Choose a high SPF sunscreen that will lessen the chance of getting sun damage and skin cancer down the road.


Trim your hair regularly! Cutting your hair close to the scalp can help minimize oil production and keep your scalp clean and free from blemishes. 



Maintain Your Facial Hair

If you are like most men, you probably have a beard or mustache. While many men enjoy having facial hair, there are also many who want to maintain a clean-shaven look.


If you want to look more polished and professional, it is important to maintain your facial hair properly. There are a few steps that you can take to ensure that your beard or mustache looks its best.


First, make sure that you keep your beard clean and trimmed. Too much stubble can make you look unprofessional and unkempt. Trim your beard every two weeks or so, using a sharp blade or scissors. 


Be careful not to cut too close to the skin, as this can lead to irritation. When shaving, use a quality shaving cream or gel and make sure to shave in the direction of hair growth.


Another important step when maintaining facial hair is to keep it hydrated. It is important not to leave your beard too dry, as this can lead to fungal overgrowth and rancidity. 


Use a hydrating serum or oil every day before applying your shaving cream or gel. Shampooing with cold water will also help keep your beard clean.


Incorporate a beard brush. Since you’re working with a more delicate brush and product, it’s important to use one that will be gentle without leaving bristles everywhere. Using the perfect beard brush for you is critical, so invest in a quality brush and use it for the best results. Beard oil and beard wash are also excellent products to help keep your hair looking healthy and full. 


Take Care Of Your Clothes

There are a few things that you can do to help keep your clothes looking good. First, make sure that you iron everything properly. This will remove any wrinkles or creases in your clothing, and it will also make them look crisp and clean. 


Second, pay attention to accessories. Make sure that all of it is appropriately matched and in place, and that your hair is well-groomed and styled. 


Lastly, keep a tidy wardrobe by keeping all of your clothes in good condition. This will minimize the amount of time that you need to spend shopping for new clothes, and it will also keep you from having to deal with messy piles of clothing on your floor.

Keep Your Nails Trimmed

Not only is trimming your nails an important visual cue for a polished appearance but keeping your nails trimmed also reduces the risk of bacterial infection and helps to reduce the likelihood of split nails. 


Make sure you keep your nails’ cuticles smooth and even with a gentle file. If you experience any redness or soreness following nail trimming, consult a doctor or specialist before proceeding.


A good rule of thumb is to have your nails trimmed every two weeks if they’re short. 


Looking polished doesn’t need to be expensive or time-consuming. In fact, with a little bit of diligence, you can look and feel like a million bucks without putting in an ounce of extra work. 

Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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