What to wear on july 4th - by Alea Lovely - dandy in the bronx

So, you’ve been together with her for a while, but you’re not 100% sure whether the girl you’re with is ‘the one’ for you.

Considering that there are millions of other women out there, your destiny might lie elsewhere. However, there are some (pretty) clear signs that the person you’re dating could be the person you’re destined to be with, so it might be time to find the right engagement ring and practice your proposal if any of the following are true within your relationship.

#1: You think and talk about her – all of the time!

From the moment you wake to the moment you hit the pillow of a nighttime, if she is constantly in your thoughts, then she might be the one for you. And the same applies if you are continually talking about her to your friends, family, and colleagues at work; letting them know about how much you love her, and how much of a wonderful person you think she is. You are quite clearly enamoured, and this is a good sign.

#2: You miss her when she’s not around

If you’re literally counting down the seconds until you see her again, then this is a good sign. Being apart might be terrible for you, and while it’s only right you both get some space from each other, you know she is probably the one for you when you feel slightly empty in your life when you’re both apart.

#3: You can see a future with her

Getting married is a serious commitment, but if this gives you nothing but happy thoughts, then this is a good thing. You might contemplate life raising a family with her, for example, and you might even imagine yourself growing old with her. Heck, you have probably already considered the house you are going to buy together and the way you’re going to decorate it. These thoughts and any other relating to a future life with your girlfriend are indicative that you do indeed have a future.

#4: You can overlook any negative things about her

Nobody’s perfect, and even when you’re in the thralls of love, you can probably admit that about the woman in your life. She might snore when you’re in bed together. She might have habits that sometimes annoy you. Her laugh could shatter glass ceilings. But if you can accept such things about her, and if the negative parts of her don’t put you off the idea of having a life together, then your relationship is pretty secure.

#5: She accepts your flaws

Believe it or not, you aren’t perfect either! There are bound to be things about you that sometimes irritate her. You might forget to brush your teeth in the morning, for example, and you might have habits that would cause any other person to cringe. But if she is accepting of your flaws, both big and small, then she probably loves you. Of course, this doesn’t excuse either of you from your habits; to show your love for one another, you might still work giving them up as they might start to grate eventually!

#6: You can see beyond her looks

Relationships usually begin because of an intense physical and sexual attraction, but to last long-term, there has to be something deeper. You see, looks fade over time, so there have to be other things that appeal to you beyond her physical appearance. So, going beyond her looks then, if you can also appreciate her on an intellectual and emotional level, being in love with her personality as well as her beauty, then you’re on the right path to a long-term relationship.

#7: She understands you

New York Botanical Garden’s Annual Winter Wonderland Ball 2018 dandy in the bronx 001.jpg_6129

Does she know what makes you smile and laugh? Does she have a handle on your mood swings? Does she make you the meals you like? Does she buy you creative gifts tailored to you, rather than something generic? Does she know what you’re thinking without you having to verbalize it? In short, does she know exactly what makes you tick? If so, then she obviously cares and appreciates you, and wants to make you happy, so she’s probably a keeper. And if you understand her as well, perhaps in regards to some of the things we have just mentioned, then that’s a sign that you truly appreciate her as well.

#8: She wants some of the same things in life

There are some differences you can live with. If she would rather watch a rom-com than a sports game on the TV, for example, then that shouldn’t be a deal breaker. But there are other differences that pose greater concern. If she wants a family, but you don’t, then that might cause a problem in your relationship. And if you have your heart set on moving town for your career but she wants to stay put, for whatever reason, then your long-term happiness might be affected. However, if you can compromise on these things, or if you both want the same things in life, and your desires and values are compatible, then these are solid signs that there is a future in your relationship.

#9: She cares for you

Is she the first person to help you in a crisis? Does she listen to you when you need to offload your fears and worries? Does she stand up for you when others put you down? Does she sometimes put your needs above her own? If so, then she quite clearly cares for you. And if you can say the same about the way you relate to her, then you quite clearly care for her too. That, my friend, is a good sign that you’re supposed to be together.

#10: You can trust her

If she has a habit of looking at other men, then that isn’t a good sign. If she gossips about you behind your back, then that isn’t a good sign, either. And if she lies to you constantly, even about the smallest of things, then you need to think twice about the future of your relationship. However, if you have complete trust in her, and if she can also trust you in the same way, then your future together might well be secure.

Is she the one for you? We don’t know – we don’t have the power to see into the future – but if you have related to the signs we have listed, then she very well might be. At the end of the day, the decision is yours, but if your gut instinct after reading this article says yes, then you might be onto a winner!

Thanks for reading, y’all stay dandy. 😎 Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram!