Dashboard Warning Lights Guide: Should You Have Your Vehicle Serviced?

If a dashboard warning light comes on when you’re driving your car, it could mean several different things. Vehicles have increasingly become more sophisticated as the years have passed. There are now more different warning lights than ever that can appear on the dashboard of most modern cars.  

You can head to Keith Schulz Garage if you live nearby and want an expert to take a look at your car. Will you want to do that every time a warning light comes on, though?

Let’s talk about this concept in more detail right now.

Pay Attention to the Color

First, it’s important to say that if you’re not sure about the purpose of any of the warning lights that might appear on your car’s dashboard, you can always check the manual. Your vehicle should always come with a manual if you buy it brand-new. Even if you don’t, then you can usually find it online and read it there for free.

That being said, if a warning light comes on, and you’re not sure if you should get the car serviced, then you should pay attention to the color. Typically, when it comes to modern vehicles, if you’re getting a warning about something that’s potentially wrong with the car, then the light will be yellow or orange.

If you see that, it’s usually an indication that there’s a condition going on with the car that needs attention. It’s probably not critical, though. You might wait for a few weeks to get the vehicle to the shop.

If the light is red, that means you have a critical situation happening with the car, and you can’t afford to wait. You’ll need to get it to a mechanic immediately.

Note the Situation in Which You Find Yourself

You should also take note of the situation in which you find yourself when the light comes on. If you’re driving along, everything seems normal, and a light comes on and stays on, that probably means you have a situation that needs correction at some point.

If you’re hydroplaning when the light comes on, though, that almost certainly was the cause of it. When you stop hydroplaning, the light should switch off. That probably means the warning was specific to the road conditions, and the vehicle does not need service.

A Steady, Persistent Light Probably Means You Need Service

Generally speaking, if you’re getting a warning light that comes on and stays on, then that means you should get the vehicle serviced, regardless of the color. Red means it’s more urgent, but you shouldn’t ignore orange or yellow lights either.

It’s usually helpful if you check the manual to see what the light means. Maybe the condition is something that you can address on your own if you’re somewhat knowledgeable about cars.

If you see in the manual that the light is due to a condition that you don’t feel comfortable tackling on your own, though, you will want to let a professional handle it.