Comparing ATVs: Which is the Most Reliable Brand?

ATV stands for all-terrain vehicle. They are smaller than the average car, but they still pack plenty of power. You can use them for off-roading. They also have plenty of practical uses in various niches and professions.

Which is the best brand for ATVs, though? We’ll talk about some notable ones now.


You can visit one of the Honda ATV dealers in Colorado if you want reliable models that retain their resale value well. You probably know that Honda makes excellent cars and trucks that stay on the road for decades, but they’re also known for their best-in-class ATVs.

If you go back to 1970, you’ll see that’s when Honda came out with the ATC. This was the model that really made the public aware of three-wheel motorized vehicles and what they could do.

These days, Honda does not deviate all that much from the ATC’s original design. They now use metal gears rather than belts, though, meaning you get a braking system with pinpoint precision. That’s what you want with an ATV, whether you’re using it for work or play.

Polaris Industries

Polaris Industries might not be as well known as Honda, but they make some respectable ATVs as well. Their best one is probably the Sportsman, though the Outlaw version 50 and 90 certainly have their admirers.

Polaris is probably the brand you want if you value variety above all else. They have several designs that sell particularly well every year. They also have impressive rack capacity, payload ratings, and towing capabilities that make them the favorites of those consumers who like outdoor exploration.


Kawasaki is mostly known in the realm of extreme sports. Their ATVs are lightweight and versatile. They still give you some notable power, though.

This is the company that came out with the first 400cc quad. They make an ATV that’s built for tough mountain paths, streams, mud, and just about anything else you might encounter in a challenging outdoor environment.The shocks are what set this brand’s ATVs apart from its competitors. They can stand up to tough use, and they also have handlebar bends that are comfortable in your hands. You won’t get blisters on your palms when you ride a Kawasaki, even if you’re battering the vehicle for hours at a time.


Yamaha is worth a mention as well. This brand came out with the YFZ450R not that long ago. This model is usually on “best of” lists, and many consider it one of the top ten ATVs of all time, if not the top five.

It has a steel and aluminum chassis and a 449cc engine. The quad’s lower frame lets the engine sit lower with this model than you’ll see with most comparable ones. You get better engine mass centralization this way, but if you give up nothing in rider comfort.

Any of these models and brands should serve you well. Do your research and pick one that’s ideal for whatever activity you have in mind.