dandy in the bronx - mosquera the brand⁣ - bronx local face mask - American made face mask - face mask made in the usa - bronx business - bronx based business

Nowadays, I’m not wearing a suit 24/7. This is my “home” clothes.

I usually avoid sleeves and wear whatever I can workout or do local errands in. The t-shirts I wear are from past events or gifts/collaborations I’ve received over the years. The only modification I do to them is remove the sleeves. I hate sleeves. ⁣

dandy in the bronx - mosquera the brand⁣ - bronx local face mask - American made face mask - face mask made in the usa - bronx business - bronx based business

I’ve bought 4 pairs of sneakers in my life. The rest are from collaborations or my mom bought them years ago 😂❤️. For my home and gym life, I have a very utilitarian approach to what I wear. I try to spend as little (or nothing) as I can while wearing something until it literally breaks down. I’m all about hand-me downs and vintage here. ⁣

Sneakers by Bronx artist @RoselynGrullon x @nike⁣
⁣The only new thing I’ve added are face masks. This one is from a local NYC brand, Mosquera. The owners are from the Bronx (also fellow Ecuadorian) and Brooklyn. It’s still important to shop small when you can. ⁣


• Include replaceable PM 2.5 ACTIVATED CARBON FILTERS

Each mask includes a WATERPROOF pouch so that you can store your mask and prevent contamination.
You can rest assured that you will be protected according to CDC guidelines.

Mask by Mosquera
Sneakers by Bronx artist Roselyn Grullon x Nike

Looking for more face masks and how to style them? Check out some ideas here.

dandy in the bronx - mosquera the brand⁣ - bronx local face mask - American made face mask - face mask made in the usa - bronx business - bronx based business

Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


Follow me on Instagram and Pinterest for more menswear inspiration.

(Some of these links contain affiliate links, so that means if you click and buy something, I get a cut. It helps keep the site going! Full Disclosure)