A refined style is something a lot of young, working professionals wish they had about them. Many people wish it was an effortless thing, thanks to just how stylish and sophisticated all those modelling adverts make it seem.


A young man with a perfectly set and fitting suit, with hair that’s shinier than any you’ve seen before, stepping out and staring into the middle distance – don’t you just wish you were him?


Well, with a professional styling team and more money than you’re used to, you should find it no problem! However, seeing as most of us don’t have access to these resources, we’ll have to find a different route to securing a refined style. And thankfully, it can be much easier to pull this off than you might think. 


Because a refined style takes many forms, and when you’ve already got a pretty good personal style of your own, things are just going to need tweaking a little. And to do that, we’ve compiled some ideas you might want to put to good use below. Fashion is something we all have our own opinions on, but you can immediately pinpoint someone who looks put together, and it’s your time to shine with a look like this. 


Redefine Your Wardrobe


What’s in your wardrobe? Some of the basics, such as shirts and trousers, as well as a few pairs of shorts and shoes for all occasions? Maybe you’ve got plenty of seasonal wear in there as well, such as sweaters and tank tops, that help you to dress for the weather without compromising your style? 


It’s a good start, but you’re going to have to redefine your wardrobe, if you’re looking to add some refined touches to your fashion sense. Throw out the clothes you haven’t worn in over a year, add some more silver and gold accessories to the pot, and make sure you have some winning color combinations in there as well. They’ll help to keep your outfits from ever becoming boring. 


Hold Yourself Right


Fashion is just one half of the equation. The other half is how you carry yourself, and how your body language puts you across to other people. After all, you need to have the confidence to back up the refined style you’re going for, even if this confidence isn’t loud and over the top. Indeed, a more quiet, subtle confidence is going to be much more your scene. 


And to manage this, if you feel like you can’t already, you’re going to have to fake it. Sure, you’re feeling comfortable because the clothes fit you, and you’re covered in areas you’re not too sure about, and you know you look good when you take a peek in the mirror. But comfortableness isn’t confidence, and you’ve got to project a little more. 


So hold your head up higher, put your shoulders back, and keep your back straight when you walk. Make yourself feel tall, and don’t be afraid to make eye contact with other people around you. Keep in mind just how good you look in your new, polished style, and let that fire you up even more. 


Keep Your Clothes Looking Smooth


Smooth clothing, that’s clearly been pressed and ironed, is always going to look better than wrinkled clothes that you’ve just pulled out of a drawer or off a hanger. And when you’re someone who needs to walk into work and pull off a great impression, the latter just won’t do! 


So of course, the first step here is to invest in an iron and ironing board, and make sure they form part of your regular laundry routine. Aside from this, what else can you do? Well, it’s a good idea to also invest in a wrinkle releaser if you’re constantly out and about, as a handy alternative to ironing that doesn’t require you to plug something in and take your time with. 


And not only this, you also need to be able to keep the wrinkles out of your clothes for the majority of the day (at least until you get home again). To do this, you might want to invest in some clothing that has sturdier, more starched material – steer clear of cotton and linen fabrics for this. Similarly, when you’re sitting at a desk, try to keep pressure off of the curves of your clothes; pull those trousers more taught! 


Mix and Match


Finally, even though you’re trying to look more sophisticated and refined in other people’s eyes, try not to lose your own personal style. Because in truth, that’s what really sets us apart from other people on the street or in the office or at the bar; if you’re wearing clothes you like and feel comfortable in, you’re going to carry yourself much more confidently than in anything else. 


So feel free to mix and match your style here. Go for a refined touch, with silver jewellery or a black tie, but keep those flannel textures and print mixing as an undercoat. It’ll certainly help you to look different to those around you, but without being gauche in your fashion sense – you’ll stand out for the right reasons, and all because you added a touch of personality. 


Similarly, try to create a few color palettes ahead of time, that you know look good together and also suit your natural complexion. Mixing and matching your clothing will come off as a lot more effortless when you can immediately understand what works together and what doesn’t – it’ll definitely save time when you’re dressing in the morning. 


A refined style is something we all have a slightly different idea about, but there’s no arguing that someone who looks ‘refined’ has the ability to throw on clothes and look instantly like they know what they’re doing. But don’t worry too much if you think you don’t fit this definition – even with some small, workable changes, your personal style can have a much more polished look to it. 


Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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