All You Need to Know About Keeping Your Motorcycle Clean

Part of being a gentleman entails caring for your car or motorcycle. If you always arrive on a dirty bike, it detracts a lot from your appearance, no matter how well-dressed you are.

Fortunately, cleaning your bike regularly is an easy and affordable way to keep it looking fresh and polished. Here are a few tips to guide you through the motorcycle-cleaning process.

How To Keep Your Motorcycle Clean

Before Washing

 Before you start washing your machine, you need to assemble all the things you need for cleaning. This will help you save time since you will have everything in one place. Even more importantly, gathering your washing materials gives you a chance to analyze whether they are appropriate for the job.

 For instance, you should only clean your bike with detergents meant for cleaning motorcycles and cars. Regular detergents tend to contain harsh chemicals, some of which can destroy the delicate outer surface of your bike.

 Secondly, avoid high-pressure sprays when cleaning your bike. The sprays may leave a car looking spic and span, but they could potentially damage your precious motorbike.

 Moreover, avoid cleaning your bike while it is still hot. Doing so poses the risk of damaging some parts of the motorcycle. This is why you should wash the bike at home when it has not been used for a while. If it is still hot, be patient and wait until it cools.

The Cleaning Process

 Once you have gathered your cleaning supplies and equipment, it is time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Start by rinsing your bike with cold water. This step helps to soften the grime on your bike and even eliminate loose dirt.

Next, clean the body of the bike using soapy water and a soft cloth or a sponge. Be sure to touch every inch of the metal and plastic parts with the sponge, and pay extra attention to stubborn areas. However, avoid squirting water on the electrical outlets or the muffler.

 Additionally, be very careful not to get the brake fluid on the surface of your bike. This fluid contains abrasive chemicals that could corrode your bike’s metal alloys.

 After removing all the dirt from the motorcycle, you should then rinse it with cold water. Be thorough in your rinsing to ensure that no residue is left behind. The remnant residue is hazardous and can cause corrosion to multiple parts of your bike.

After Washing

 After cleaning, dry your bike carefully. You may also opt to buff and shine it to give it that extra radiance. Start the engine and let it run for a while. You should also test your brakes to ensure that they did not get damaged during the cleaning process. However, beware that it might take a few tries for the brakes to work as they usually do.

 If, unfortunately, you do get into an accident while riding your bike, don’t hesitate to contact an attorney. They will help you deal with any issues, although this depends on the type of claim.


 Cleaning your motorcycle is not as difficult as you may imagine it to be. You only need to follow a few steps, and your bike will be as good as new. Start with the tips shared in this blogpost and transform your bike into a sparkling beauty.


Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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