Wallet full of pokemon cards


Have your sales started to fall on eBay? There are a number of reasons why this could be the case.

I’ve been selling more magic cards on eBay as of late. Getting to the bottom of what has happened is essential so that you can get your business back on track. So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons why people notice a drop in their sales on eBay.


Your feedback has been damaged


If you have had negative feedback on your eBay page, this could be the reason why you’re struggling to attract as many buyers. The power of reviews today is astronomical. If you have been hit with a review stating that an item has not arrived or that it is not as described, it is going to have a considerable impact. To increase eBay sales, try to get as many good reviews as possible so you can dilute the impact of the negative one.


Your competitors have improved their conversion rate


Perhaps your competitors have started to get ahead of you? If so, you need to fight back. There are a number of ways you can do this, from improving your description text, to using a template to create a professional and modern looking list. You should also look for ways to improve your product photography.


eBay has changed its search algorithm


Your poor sales could be because eBay has changed their search algorithm and you have not updated your approach in line with this. Some changes will be complex and subtle while others are disruptive and big. Make sure you stay in the know so you can adjust your strategy accordingly.


Your products aren’t hitting the mark


Another reason why you may be failing to reach your sales goals on eBay is simply that your products are not hitting the market. Perhaps your products were of interest a year or so ago, but they are not attracting people now? There are community markets for certain industries that can assist with this. For example, if you sell footwear, you can rely on SoleSavy to help you find the best sneakers to sell to your customers. It is worth exploring options like this if your current product sourcing strategy does not seem to be working. 


New competitors have entered the market


Maybe a new competitor has entered the market and they are ranking better than you? This could be because they are more established and have a long history of selling on eBay in other categories. They may have better performance metrics and feedback. Do your research and find out what you are up against.


So there you have it: some of the most common reasons for a decline in sales on eBay. In a lot of cases, sellers will experience a combination of the above. Use the advice that has been mentioned to get your company back on the right path. You can get to the bottom of what has gone wrong and put steps in place to rectify it.