
I‘m usually in front of the camera. However, I also love to help create with my friends. In CREATING CONTENT, I’m sharing my experience as I get behind the lens and try my hand in photography!  Meet Edwin Camacho Rivera, cravat designer and dapper rocker.


Diego: Introduce yourself!

Edwin: I’m Edwin Camacho Rivera. I happen to make neckwear, specifically, the ascot.

What is your background?

I’m Bronx born and Puerto Rican descent. I grew up around the Morrisania / Melrose section of the Bronx and still live there now.

puerto rican ascot edwin_camacho_rivera_ascots_in_the_bronx_dandy_in_the_bronx

What lead you to your current passion?

It’s a bit of a weird long story! I got into fashion working in retail and eventually working over there lead me to wanting to create my own ideas.


Why an ascot?

It’s something out of the ordinary and it’s easier for me to make in bulk (laugh). When I tried making bow ties, even though I applied the same principles, it took much more time.

What inspires you?

Several things. From the trivial to geeky, to wanting to look elegant. One of my current sources of inspiration has been Ralph Lauren. Upon working for the brand, I found inspiration in his story.

Have you watched the show Once Upon a Time? Regina Mills! I just happen to love how she always looks put together. It’s so tailored and so powerful! But I’m not going to wear skirt suits (laughs). I happen to love her entire powerful feel that she had. Another fictional character that inspires me would be of course, the 12th Doctor. I happen to love the certain elements of his look and looked like a rock star.

Speaking of the 12th Doctor, how do you feel about his extended cuff look?

Ha, I don’t want to say I’ve been doing the extended cuff look but I’ve been not buttoning my cuffs. And I’ve been doing that since 2004! So as soon as I saw that, I went crazy! The only reason I don’t like it at times is when the shirt is too long and looks awkward in suits. But most of my shirts I don’t button my cuffs. In terms of that look, it was inspired by the rocker, Martin Smith.

Speaking of music, I know you are a big fan of David Bowie. How does he inspire you?

Everything single element that he did was a part of a story. His outfit? One part of a story. The sounds, the lyrics, everything that he did was a part of a story. So I ended up mixing certain things like that to be able to tell a story. Different pieces to tell a story. Some of my pieces are intentionally meant to tell stories. I’ve shown you the coquí and Edgar Allan Poe print one. I’ve worn the coquí print one with a hibiscus flower since Puerto Rico’s official flower is part of the hibiscus family. I’ll tell stories in that regard.


Tell me about your personal style

I want to see fashion used as something fun and artistic. I do love the principles of dressing well. But at the very same time though I want to have my own fun and steer my own way. I’m much more rock oriented as you know. I do love dressing up but sometimes I’ll actually deliberately juxtapose two conflicting things just for the fun of it.

What’s your favorite juxtaposition in that case?

Lately, I’ve been dressing up for work with combat boots. Probably inspired by Capaldi (the 12th Doctor) and just because of functionality!

How do you feel about what’s changing in The Bronx?

I have some mixed feelings. I mean it is nice to see it grow and see things being rebuilt. I actually happen to remember this place being filled with rubble growing up. At the very same time, when it comes down to the rebuilding, for who is it for. We’ve spent so many decades talking about rebuilding the Bronx, but is it going to help us out? Are we going to be a part of it? Or are we going to be moved elsewhere. That’s my main fear.

Any upcoming projects you are working on?

I have a checkerboard fabric that I bought. In the veins of a rocker, here are Vans. I’m not sure if you know, but because of a song, Vans became the official shoes for punk rockers. So I feel that this will look elegant but also a bit brash. Also (brings in a box to reveal his new knitted ascots) I knit these in the subway while listening to heavy metal. I will be featuring these in the shop.

kitted ascot in the bronx, dandy in the bronx

So for the people who are reading, they might not know this about your speech

I’ve been stuttering since I’ve been seven. And even though I might have good moments like right now, there are times it becomes a little bit wonked out. Sometimes it is not easy. It’s been an interesting battle. One of the benefits has been seeing people as people. I’m a Christian, yes, I do believe in God. However I’ve come across many not too good moments in Church. They have seen me as someone that needs to be healed. I learned through this how to treat others as people. Well, at least I try to.

You can follow Edwin Camacho Rivera on his Instagram, @thedapperrocker. You can buy one of his ascots here!

Thanks for reading, y’all stay dandy. 😎 Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram!