If you are looking for a gift for your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, human you like, or yourself, let me help you out! These gifts are targeted for menswear fans.

Valentine’s gifts for the minimalist

Valentine's gifts for the minimalist: Anson Calder WalletsWallets just keep getting fatter and fatter. It stops now. Fits in your front jacket pocket or inside. Only carry what you need. Check outĀ ANSON CALDER WALLETS.

Valentine’s gifts for theĀ time teller

I love these classic designs and the fact you can change the straps make them very versatile. Check outĀ DANIEL WELLINGTONĀ andĀ MARC BALEĀ watches.

Valentine’s gift if you want to set it and forget it

A personal favorite of mine. Every month you get 5-6 menswear items that are valued over $100 for only $28 a month. Check outĀ Sprezzabox.Ā (GET 10% OFF WITH THE CODE ā€œTHEBRONXā€)

Valentine’s gift for the drinking connoisseuR

late late bar having a drink with hooch app
The way it works, members pay $9.99/month (less than the price of one cocktail)Ā 30 (ish) drinks a month for the price of one? Yes please. They can show the app to redeem one cocktail a day (which resets atĀ 5am EST) at any of the participating venues. You can get your first month for only 1$Ā with the code (case sensitive):Ā diego

Check outĀ Hooch

Thanks for reading, yā€™all stay dandy.Ā šŸ˜Ž

(Some of these linksĀ contain affiliate links, so that means if you click and buy something, I get a cut. It helps keep the site going!Ā Full Disclosure)