5 Reasons to Own a Toyota: How Does It Compare Against Other Car Brands?

You probably already know the Toyota brand. You might see them on the road all the time. If you’ve never owned one, though, you may be uncertain about whether you should buy one the next time you need a new car.


You can find Toyota dealers in Salt Lake City, Utah, that can give you great deals. Before you take that step, let’s discuss some of the specific reasons why you might consider this brand over its competitors.


These Are American-Made Cars

If you feel some patriotism, you might like supporting American-made products. Toyota vehicles are made right here in this country. 


Many other cars that come in at comparable price points or have similar features are not made in the US. You can proudly support the American worker if you buy a Toyota.


They Have Exceptional Durability

Toyotas stand the test of time remarkably well. Part of why you see so many of them on the road is that many drivers who buy them brand-new still have them after ten years, or twelve, or fifteen.


If you feel like you need to get as much use out of a car as you can before you trade it in, Toyota models might be for you. With today’s inflation causing the price of everything else to go up, having a car that you know will last you for a long time becomes even more vital.


They Represent the Best in Green Technology

The Toyota Prius was definitely a game changer when it hit the market many years back. Since then, Toyota has come out with several additional green vehicles that pollute the planet either very little or not at all.


Getting a hybrid vehicle is a great way to transition into green technology if you’re not ready to go fully electric yet. If you want an electric car, Toyota has you covered in that area as well.


They Are Low-Maintenance Vehicles

There’s nothing that beats a car that pretty much takes care of itself. You still need to conduct regular maintenance on your Toyota, but these are precision machines that hold up to the elements and the passage of time without you needing to do very much to them.


Toyota’s maintenance costs are negligible compared to some other car brands. The thought that you won’t need to spend a lot on your vehicle’s upkeep will probably attract more than a few customers.


They Maintain Their Resale and Residual Value

When you buy a brand-new car, it automatically becomes less valuable. However, some car brands retain a large percentage of their value better than others. Toyotas certainly qualify.


When you buy one, you can be certain you’ll get a great resale price on it if you’re not interested in driving it for a couple of decades. As long as you maintain it properly, you can collect a nice chunk of cash when you’re ready to do a trade-in.


These reasons make the Toyota brand one of the most sought-after on the market. 


Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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