When it comes to sleeping, you may think you have it all figured out. You get 6-8 hours of sleep, so you feel accomplished, you wake up feeling alright so you don’t question it, and you are sleeping on a comfortable mattress, so it seems to be working. Well, we have a few tips to add into your sleep routine to encourage healthy sleeping habits, and get you the best sleep yet.

Invest in a weighted blanket

You may have heard about weighted blankets but haven’t invested in one yet. Well, the time is now to get one and experience greatness. Weighted blankets were made to calm and relax the user and to get them the sleep they deserve. Applying weight and pressure on the body can work to relax even the most anxious of sleepers. So, how do you know which weight is right for you? What is too heavy or too light? By using a weighted blanket guide, you can read up on which one is best for you and your sleep needs. When you pick the one that works for you, you can be well on your way to a calming relaxing sleep.

Create a steady routine

Part of instilling habits is creating a routine. If you don’t already have a nighttime routine, what have you been waiting for? Part of being calm and reaching a relaxed state is ensuring that everything is ready for the next day and preparing your body to rest. Well, how can you do that if you are anxious about the next day or if you physically are not ready to calm down? Not having a routine makes it difficult to reach peak sleep. So, create a routine to help you get there. Packing your lunch for the next day, laying out your clothes, taking care of your skin, taking your vitamins, or taking a shower are all good additions to your healthy habits and your nighttime routine.

Relax before bed

Another healthy habit to get into is relaxing before bed. Now, relaxing will look different for everyone so don’t be afraid to shop around for good relaxation techniques from those around you. Maybe you would benefit from reading before bed, taking an Epsom salt bath, using an essential oil diffuser, or using a CBD product? Whichever it may be, allow it to be unique to you. Once you find what works, you can help it to become a routine, that way you are making sure you are working on encouraging your healthy sleep habits.

Don’t be afraid to say no

One of the hardest things to do is to say no, but saying no can benefit you immensely. So, what do we mean by this? Do you ever find that you are getting ready for bed, or it is time to relax and your friends want you to meet up for drinks? Or maybe they want you to take part in another round of video games? As hard as it may be, you need to work on saying no to protect yourself and your well-being. This will make it so you are staying on track with your sleep schedule and sticking to your routine. You may also have to say no to yourself by not binging the rest of the series on Netflix in one night, not eating that candy or having that drink before you head to sleep, or by not starting a movie when getting into bed. Learning to say no is liberating and life-changing, so give it a try.


We know that it will take some trial and error to see what works to encourage you, but we hope you take the time to invest in yourself to figure it out.


Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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