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There are plenty of reasons why you should take your personal presentation seriously, and dress to impress – that is, to impress both yourself, and others.

For one thing, dressing like you take yourself seriously, as a competent and mature man, helps to motivate other people to see you the same way. After all, if you are running a company, and looking for new employees, would you rather hire the guy who came in in a killer suit, or the guy who somehow wandered in in a tracksuit?

But, do you apply your interest in your personal presentation to other areas of your life, too? If you’ve got a nice car, and it’s a bit scuffed up, do you immediately call up a Mercedes Benz certified mechanic to get it sorted out? Or, if your home becomes a bit of a mess, do you take the time to tidy it up at once?

Here are a few reasons why your concern for personal presentation should encompass all areas of your life, not just your clothes.

Because your home environment and belongings are kind of like an extension of you as a person

Psychologically speaking, we all “project” ourselves into our belongings and home environments, to some degree. That’s part of the reason why we take it personally if someone disrespects our belongings.

Your home, belongings, and personal environment, influence your sense of self, just as much as your clothes do. If you live in an environment that you allow to be deeply messy and disorganised, you send a message to yourself that you’re the kind of person who is deeply messy and disorganized.

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On the other hand, when your environment is appealing, you feel like the kind of person who is on top of things.

Because organising things around you really helps you to get your life in control, in general

From time to time, we all lose control of our lives, at least just a little bit.

When your schedule is hectic, and things haven’t exactly been going your way lately, it’s important to find a foothold to begin climbing back to a position of certainty, confidence, and control.

One of the best places to start with getting things back on the right track, is by organising things around you, in your immediate environment.

After all, once your home is looking good, and you’re dressing well, you’re much more likely to be able to meet the challenges of life with your head up.

Because it’s easier to stay on track when you’re consistent across the different areas of your life

A major part of success and well-being in life is consistency. Just about anyone can put in a big effort every once in a while, but for the most part, it’s being able to hold things together day after day that yields the real benefits.

It’s a lot easier to stay on track when you’re consistent across the different areas of your life, in general. So, if you take your presentation seriously both in terms of your own personal appearance, and in terms of your belongings, it’s much easier to “hold the line” and stay the course.

If, on the other hand, your home environment is messy and unappealing, but you dress well, it’ll be easier for you to slip up at some point and let your personal presentation go, too.

Thanks for reading, y’all stay dandy. 😎 Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram!