How to Take the Hassle Out of Buying Your Next Car - car keys with a tie key ring chain - dandy in the bronx

The car is one of the most valuable assets in your life, adding convenience to a whole host of daily tasks. However, if you’re not careful, your relationship with the vehicle could encounter a few bumps along the road.


Whether you’re about to buy your first vehicle or have years of experience on the road, the following issues should not be ignored. 


#1. Practicality of car model


The market is blessed with literally hundreds of brilliant vehicle models. However, you don’t just need to find a great car. You need to find a vehicle that suits your lifestyle. Otherwise, you will fall out of love with the drive very quickly.


Understanding the differences between hatchbacks and saloons or superminis and MPVs is vital. It’s not just about the size and how many passengers you can have. Accessibility to the vehicle and performances around the city vs the highway are just two examples.


Driving heights are another key feature. After all, you need to feel comfort.


#2. Vehicle purchase/rental price


There is no right or wrong answer to how much people should spend on a car. Ultimately, we all have personal budget limitations. Likewise, driving is more important to some people than others. One thing is for sure, though, you need to get value for money.


Every driver deserves a good deal on their vehicle. As well as researching the prices from different dealerships, you should use an auto payment calculator. This will provide clear insight into your monthly repayments and the overall cost of the car.


Similarly, if renting or leasing a car, you should understand all factors.


#3. Fuel economy


The running costs associated with driving can seriously burn a hole in your pocket. Consequently, then, they can significantly harm your feelings towards the car and driving as a whole. This is another reason to think carefully about the size of car and engine.


As electric cars and hybrids become more affordable, the reduced running costs become a key factor to consider. An EV car journey cost calculator will help you decide whether the savings will compensate for the slightly bigger cost. Calculated choices are the key.


Similar calculator tools are available for standard vehicles too.


#4. Insurance and taxes


The financial aspects of driving aren’t the only key barometer of happiness behind the wheel. However, you cannot underestimate its importance, not least because you deserve value for money. Understanding the insurance and tax costs before you choose a model is crucial.


Sadly, there’s no escaping the fact that young men and inexperienced drivers will pay more for insurance. Selecting a car insurance broker that specializes in this type of driver can work wonders. If you use the car for work, it may be possible to claim back some costs too.


For that reason, speaking to an accountant or financial advisor may also help.


#5. The condition of your tires


Your car tires are in constant contact with the tarmac. As such, their impact on the performance, comfort, and cost of the car will be telling. Frankly, if you overlook the significance of this feature, you will find it a lot harder to feel good about the car.


This infographic goes into further detail about the importance of car tires. Therefore, you should go the extra mile to find the right type for your vehicle and local climate. Opt for tires with a good efficiency rating for the best results and consider a separate set for the winter.


Keeping them pumped to the right psi will work wonders too.

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#6. Your tech features


Whether still driving the car you bought in 2016 or you’ve purchased a used car to save money doesn’t matter. The slightly older vehicles will still get you from A to B in a safe and efficient way. Likewise, they can still look very attractive. The only thing missing is tech.


In truth, most cars from the last decade will have Bluetooth and Sat Nav. Nonetheless, you can customize and upgrade your vehicle with parking sensors, new sound systems, and other gadgets. Some add comfort, others improve the assisted driving capabilities.


If you’re a parent, an in-car DVD player can be one of the best features you’ll buy.


#7. The cleanliness


A clean car is a happy car. Moreover, it will make you a far happier driver. As such, taking great care of your vehicle inside and out should be high on the agenda. It can help prevent costly repairs due to rusting, and will make you want to show off the car at all times.


Sending your vehicle through the car wash or paying for professional vacuuming will do great things. However, you also need to take care on a day-to-day basis. Stop leaving trash in the cabin. Clean dirt when you notice it on the bodywork. And store the car away from trees.


Take pride in the vehicle, and your feelings towards it can only improve.


#8. The suspension


Any faults with the engine or brakes are likely to be fixed ASAP. Unfortunately, there are a range of car issues that drivers tend to leave. Minor issues with the suspension are among them. The harsh reality is that even a minor problem can severely reduce your comfort.


Smooth journeys will become bumpy and irritating while you’ll never truly feel in control. This guide to identifying suspension problems will help. However, when it comes to fixing or replacing this part, it’s advised to use an expert.


Do not leave it untreated as the situation will get worse. It could cost money and your safety.


#9. Personality


A practical vehicle that’s cost-effective and well prepared for your daily activities is great. However, if you want to truly feel those loving feelings for the car, there is one more ingredient to consider. It needs to feel like it belongs to you.


Adding a little character to the vehicle needn’t be expensive. The right choice of seat covers or floor mats can help. Meanwhile, taking the time to configure your infotainment system to meet your personal tastes and convenience will make a big impact.


For many drivers, a personalized number plate is the perfect addition.


#10. The journeys


Even the very best cars can start to feel a little boring if they are used solely for the school run or trip to work. Sitting in traffic jams day after day will feel a little tedious regardless of your vehicle. Therefore, you must look for ways to inject some fun back into driving.


It can be achieved in several ways. A track day is one great option that may actually help keep your engine in great health. Taking road trips to fun and exciting places will allow you to build magical memories thanks to the car. Driving the most scenic routes works too.


Your car opens the door to a world of adventures. Embrace it.


Thanks for reading and y’all stay dandy.


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