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If you’re going to spend a lot of money on something, then you better ensure that it’s going to last for as long a time as possible.

Take your car, for instance. After your home, this will be the thing that you spend the most amount of money on: it could cost somewhere in the region of half a year’s salary, and that’s before we even factor in the costs of gas and insurance. As such, a vehicle is not something that you want to be replacing frequently. Fortunately, there are ways you can make your car last longer. With a little bit of love, care, and attention, you can ensure that your vehicle lasts for many years. We take a look at a few useful tips below.

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Who could ever get rid of a car that had that ‘new car’ feeling? OK, it might not be possible to keep your vehicle in that state for too long, but that doesn’t mean it has to go completely the other way, either. If you’re willing to do a little bit of legwork, then you can keep your car looking clean and in top condition. Every month, make a habit of giving your car a deep-clean, which means deep scrubbing inside and out. It’s much easier to keep a car if there’s no obvious dirt and grime infiltrating all corners.

While you can clean your car yourself, there are some aspects that you won’t be able to do, and which you’ll need the professionals to handle. All cars, even new ones, have issues from time to time. If you’re handling these problems as and when they present themselves, then you’ll prevent your car from becoming burdened with issues that compromise the quality. As soon as you notice an issue, have your vehicle looked at by a company like Certified Car Care. If you’re staying on top of your car’s faults and servicing, then you can extend its life by many years.


One of the reasons why people change their car is because they’re envious. They’re not shopping around for new vehicles because there’s anything terribly wrong with their car; it’s just that they think others are better. Once this feeling begins to sink in, it’s only a matter of time before a change happens. Instead of updating your car, however, why not look at upgrading your car’s tech? The infotainment in cars has come on significantly in recent years, and it’s understandable that you’d feel left out if yours didn’t have it. It’s usually possible to update your system to the latest tech, however.


Finally, make sure you’re not overdoing it in your vehicle. There’ll be an upper limit of miles that your car can cover in its lifetime. The faster you reach that number, the sooner you’ll need to replace your vehicle. Instead, look at leaving your car at home every now and again, and walking. It’ll prolong your car, and keep you fit, too.